I do. I really do, but I only have a couple. Actually, I HAD a couple until my daughter packed for college. She had books and magazines in one bag and clothes stuffed in the other. So I decided I needed to buy myself two or three and hide them. When I googled reusable shopping bags I found a blog that was giving away a Yoga Mom Grocery Bag. The bag looks roomy and strong. Needless to say, I'm entering and my fingers are crossed. You can enter too by going here: Naddez's Goody Corner. While you're there, take a look around this fun blog! Thanks Naddez!
I just found another shopping tote giveaway at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife. This blog is full of honest reviews and giveaways, as well as thrifty deals. Gotta love that! Go enter and check out this great blog. Oh, I think the author has a corgi or two. As a fellow corgi owner, I feel a kinship!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
What a Summer!
It's August and I have just one question - What happened to June and July??? And hasn't this been a news filled summer? Michael Jackson and Farrah, Jon and Kate, Palin, Sotomayor, the gym shooting, universal health care... (and here's where I'm gonna insert a little something to think about: Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 campaign speech:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every principle of our socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run on the Socialist Party ticket because the Democrat Party has now adopted our platform.)
Anyone who isn't worried about the direction our country is currently headed should take a few days to read a bit of history and think about the future of their children.
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 campaign speech:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every principle of our socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run on the Socialist Party ticket because the Democrat Party has now adopted our platform.)
Anyone who isn't worried about the direction our country is currently headed should take a few days to read a bit of history and think about the future of their children.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Summer Block Party Starts Tomorrow!
The Virtual Summer Block Party Starts Tomorrow and I can't wait. The four hosts are the Mom Buzz, Life in a House of Blue, As They Grow Up, and Look What Mom Found. These ladies have been working on this huge giveaway(s) for months. They have almost 40 sponsors and aboug 50 items to giveaway. Three lucky winners will win large prize packs! Read more about this huge event here. Below are the Prize Packages and the sponsors:
(Prize Pack A - $900)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
Bumbleride Flyer
Peek for E-mail
UV Skinz Shirt
Toddler Glasses from Eyes Cream Shades
VictoriaPZurcher Personalized Kids Stainless Steel Water Bottles
VanOodles CDs
No Throws
Dunkin Donuts
Intelligent First Aid Kit
(Prize Pack B - $700)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
Tuga Sunwear
Keeta Collection - $70 Gift Card
Kokopax Baby Carrier
VanOodles CDs
No Throws
Safety Mate Talking First Aid Kit
VictoriaPZurcher Personalized Kids Stainless Steel Water Bottles
(Prize Pack C - TOTAL VALUE $400)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
UV Skinz Bucket Hat
VanOodles CDs
Cuisinart Icecream Maker
Other $900 worth of prizes from other fabulous sponsors include:
Bissell Versus
Casio EX-S12
LTDChix -Laundry Shirt
Blurb.com - (2 More Winners!)
Going to Grandma's Suitcase
Protectabub-stroller shade or car seat shade
Breezy Bags reusable bags
Anklet from The Jewelry Box
Baby Banz
Mutsy Grow Up Seat
Eyes Cream Shades
Revolution Foods Jammy Sammy Sampler and Kids TShirt
gr8x.net Diaper Bag
Dozen Dunkin Donuts
Little Fit
Sheer Tan Starter Set with 6 Sheer Tan Sunless Tanning Aerosols
Good luck to all and many thanks to the sponsors and hosts!
(Prize Pack A - $900)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
Bumbleride Flyer
Peek for E-mail
UV Skinz Shirt
Toddler Glasses from Eyes Cream Shades
VictoriaPZurcher Personalized Kids Stainless Steel Water Bottles
VanOodles CDs
No Throws
Dunkin Donuts
Intelligent First Aid Kit
(Prize Pack B - $700)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
Tuga Sunwear
Keeta Collection - $70 Gift Card
Kokopax Baby Carrier
VanOodles CDs
No Throws
Safety Mate Talking First Aid Kit
VictoriaPZurcher Personalized Kids Stainless Steel Water Bottles
(Prize Pack C - TOTAL VALUE $400)
Vado Pocket Video Camera
UV Skinz Bucket Hat
VanOodles CDs
Cuisinart Icecream Maker
Other $900 worth of prizes from other fabulous sponsors include:
Bissell Versus
Casio EX-S12
LTDChix -Laundry Shirt
Blurb.com - (2 More Winners!)
Going to Grandma's Suitcase
Protectabub-stroller shade or car seat shade
Breezy Bags reusable bags
Anklet from The Jewelry Box
Baby Banz
Mutsy Grow Up Seat
Eyes Cream Shades
Revolution Foods Jammy Sammy Sampler and Kids TShirt
gr8x.net Diaper Bag
Dozen Dunkin Donuts
Little Fit
Sheer Tan Starter Set with 6 Sheer Tan Sunless Tanning Aerosols
Good luck to all and many thanks to the sponsors and hosts!
Friday, May 01, 2009
Another Weekend and a Few Great Giveaways!
Do you ever feel like time is going by so quickly that you can't catch your breath? It seems as if I wake up in the morning and before I know it, it's night again and I'm back in bed. I keep thinking Christmas was only a week ago, so how can it be May already? And wasn't it yesterday that my daughter was yelling "April Fool" after putting a fake spider on my shoulder! How can it be May 1st??? Anyway, it's the weekend again and here are a few giveaways I'm entering:
* Simply Stacie is having an Asian heritage month giveaway. I love to read, and the prize includes several books which interest me greatly because I have 2 daughters adopted from China and S. Korea. Stacie is also hosting a Latino Book Month giveaway. I would be happy winning either one. Thanks Stacie!
* carp(e) libris reviews is also giving away an Asian American fiction novel. As I mentioned above, my daughters are Asian so I'm always interested in reading Asian literature. This giveaway is Water Ghosts by Shawna Yang Ryan. I just read the review for this book on Amazon and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
* In honor of her daughter's 7th birthday, Sweet Savings is giving away a $50 GC to Borders! I would rather read than do almost anything else. My mother is the same way, and if I won this I would give it to her for Mother's Day! To enter, go here: http://onesweetdeal.blogspot.com/2009/04/birthday-giveaway.html Happy Birthday to Sweet Savings' daughter!
* The last 3 giveaways have been book related, so I'll continue with that theme. Ready When You Are, C.B. (I love that name) is hosting a giveaway for a vampire novel. I believe this particular book was made into a movie in Sweden, but I'm not sure. The title of the book is Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist and translated by Ebba Segerberg. It's about vampires, but not the cute, sexy ones that are so popular right now. To read more about this book and to enter the giveaway go here: http://readywhenyouarecb.blogspot.com/2009/04/let-right-on-in-by-john-ajvide.html
* I can't believe I found yet another book related giveaway! I love books and I read whenever I get a few free minutes. Melissa's Bookshelf is giving one very lucky reader a $20 GC to Amazon. If I won this, I think I would use it to buy my daughter the first book in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. She wants to read the entire series this summer. I love when my kids read! Thanks for this giveaway Melissa!
* 3 Kids and Us is giving away a little item I have wanted for over a year - the Keurig Platinum Brewing System! The Keurig Platinum Brewing system is a single-cup brewing system that allows you to enjoy a variety of hot drinks like coffee, tea and hot cocoa. To read more about this product and other Keurig items, go to the Keurig site. Good Luck.
* Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is hosting a giveaway for something I would love to own - A steam mop from Reliable. It's the Steamboy T1 Steam Floor Mop and it makes cleaning a snap. I am trying to eliminate as many harmful chemical as possible, so cleaning with steam would be a welcome addition to my cleaning supplies. And did you know this steam floor mop cleans carpet stains!!! Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is also giving one reader the chance to win a $25 GC to Build-A-Bear. To enter, go here: http://twoofakindworkingonafullhouse.blogspot.com/2009/05/build-bear-thinks-mom-rocks-giveaway.html. Good Luck!
* I love food and I love those cheese biscuits at Red Lobster. 5 Minutes for Giveaways is giving away a $50 GC to Red Lobster! I wonder how many cheese biscuits $50 will buy? Thanks 5 Minutes for Giveaways for the chance to stuff myself with yummy seafood! Oh, after you enter don't forget to visit the other 5 Minutes sites. They're all good!
* Where'd All My Money Go?! is hosting my favorite kind of giveaway - a $100 GC to anywhere the winner chooses. How great is that!! This is in celebration of the blog owners 10,000 blog hits. After you enter, and I know you will, look around this blog. Where'd All My Money Go?! is an avid paper crafter and some of her scrapbook pages are just downright gorgeous!
* The Mom Buzz is hosting a "green" giveaway for a Scott Green Gift Bag. You really should check out the new Scott Naturals products because I'm sure you will find new ways to help your family go green! I know I did.
* I ran across this giveaway when I was searching for something to send my 3 year old niece. I was searching for something personalized and this is what I found - a giveaway for a personalized CD of children's songs. This would be absolutely perfect to send to a young child that you have special feelings for. If I win, I'm going to put it in a decorated envelope and mail it to my favorite 3 year old! The giveaway is hosted by The Giveaway. Go, enter!
* With all the news concerning the swine flu or whatever they want us to call it now, this is a very timely giveaway. 3 Kids and Us is giving one lucky reader the chance to win a box of Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and a $50 Visa GC! Woooohoooo To read about Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues and ways to stay healthy go to Battle the Bug. Good luck and be well.
* I grew up eating Betty Crocker brownies and cakes. I loved them then and I love them now! Sage and Savvy is giving away the Mixer Gift Basket filled with items to help you bake yummmy Betty Crocker treats. Go to this site, The Mixer, and read about some neat cooking tips and hints. Thank you Sage and Savvy!
* Simply Stacie is having an Asian heritage month giveaway. I love to read, and the prize includes several books which interest me greatly because I have 2 daughters adopted from China and S. Korea. Stacie is also hosting a Latino Book Month giveaway. I would be happy winning either one. Thanks Stacie!
* carp(e) libris reviews is also giving away an Asian American fiction novel. As I mentioned above, my daughters are Asian so I'm always interested in reading Asian literature. This giveaway is Water Ghosts by Shawna Yang Ryan. I just read the review for this book on Amazon and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
* In honor of her daughter's 7th birthday, Sweet Savings is giving away a $50 GC to Borders! I would rather read than do almost anything else. My mother is the same way, and if I won this I would give it to her for Mother's Day! To enter, go here: http://onesweetdeal.blogspot.com/2009/04/birthday-giveaway.html Happy Birthday to Sweet Savings' daughter!
* The last 3 giveaways have been book related, so I'll continue with that theme. Ready When You Are, C.B. (I love that name) is hosting a giveaway for a vampire novel. I believe this particular book was made into a movie in Sweden, but I'm not sure. The title of the book is Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist and translated by Ebba Segerberg. It's about vampires, but not the cute, sexy ones that are so popular right now. To read more about this book and to enter the giveaway go here: http://readywhenyouarecb.blogspot.com/2009/04/let-right-on-in-by-john-ajvide.html
* I can't believe I found yet another book related giveaway! I love books and I read whenever I get a few free minutes. Melissa's Bookshelf is giving one very lucky reader a $20 GC to Amazon. If I won this, I think I would use it to buy my daughter the first book in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. She wants to read the entire series this summer. I love when my kids read! Thanks for this giveaway Melissa!
* 3 Kids and Us is giving away a little item I have wanted for over a year - the Keurig Platinum Brewing System! The Keurig Platinum Brewing system is a single-cup brewing system that allows you to enjoy a variety of hot drinks like coffee, tea and hot cocoa. To read more about this product and other Keurig items, go to the Keurig site. Good Luck.
* Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is hosting a giveaway for something I would love to own - A steam mop from Reliable. It's the Steamboy T1 Steam Floor Mop and it makes cleaning a snap. I am trying to eliminate as many harmful chemical as possible, so cleaning with steam would be a welcome addition to my cleaning supplies. And did you know this steam floor mop cleans carpet stains!!! Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is also giving one reader the chance to win a $25 GC to Build-A-Bear. To enter, go here: http://twoofakindworkingonafullhouse.blogspot.com/2009/05/build-bear-thinks-mom-rocks-giveaway.html. Good Luck!
* I love food and I love those cheese biscuits at Red Lobster. 5 Minutes for Giveaways is giving away a $50 GC to Red Lobster! I wonder how many cheese biscuits $50 will buy? Thanks 5 Minutes for Giveaways for the chance to stuff myself with yummy seafood! Oh, after you enter don't forget to visit the other 5 Minutes sites. They're all good!
* Where'd All My Money Go?! is hosting my favorite kind of giveaway - a $100 GC to anywhere the winner chooses. How great is that!! This is in celebration of the blog owners 10,000 blog hits. After you enter, and I know you will, look around this blog. Where'd All My Money Go?! is an avid paper crafter and some of her scrapbook pages are just downright gorgeous!
* The Mom Buzz is hosting a "green" giveaway for a Scott Green Gift Bag. You really should check out the new Scott Naturals products because I'm sure you will find new ways to help your family go green! I know I did.
* I ran across this giveaway when I was searching for something to send my 3 year old niece. I was searching for something personalized and this is what I found - a giveaway for a personalized CD of children's songs. This would be absolutely perfect to send to a young child that you have special feelings for. If I win, I'm going to put it in a decorated envelope and mail it to my favorite 3 year old! The giveaway is hosted by The Giveaway. Go, enter!
* With all the news concerning the swine flu or whatever they want us to call it now, this is a very timely giveaway. 3 Kids and Us is giving one lucky reader the chance to win a box of Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues and a $50 Visa GC! Woooohoooo To read about Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues and ways to stay healthy go to Battle the Bug. Good luck and be well.
* I grew up eating Betty Crocker brownies and cakes. I loved them then and I love them now! Sage and Savvy is giving away the Mixer Gift Basket filled with items to help you bake yummmy Betty Crocker treats. Go to this site, The Mixer, and read about some neat cooking tips and hints. Thank you Sage and Savvy!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
$250 Visa Card Giveaway at Therapeutic (AD-FREE)
Thanks to BlogHer and Capri-Sun Sunrise you can enter to win a $250 Visa Gift Card!!
Just head over to Therapeutic (AD_FREE) and leave a comment or two. Entries are easy, just the way I like them! Good luck.
Just head over to Therapeutic (AD_FREE) and leave a comment or two. Entries are easy, just the way I like them! Good luck.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Not just any old gift basket
Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is hosting a giveaway for a gift basket from Gourmet Gift Baskets. The basket being given away is a Mother's Day Classic Gardening basket, and boy oh boy is it full of good stuff! Go read about it at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House. Enter!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Great Giveaways around the Blogosphere

* STL Mommy is giving away a $25 Target GC. If you love Target as much as I do, enter before May 1st at 5pm! STL Mommy is a wonderful blog for moms, especially those of us trying to cash in on bargains. She also hosts great giveaways like this Target GC and another current giveaway for a Betty Crocker Goodie basket. For details head over to STL Mommy and enter. I grew up eating Betty Crocker products and using my mother's Betty Crocker Cookbook. STL Mommy is also giving away $40 worth of Mary Kay products. Mary Kay is one of those companies that I know always has first rate products. I love their lipsticks.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Helping Mommies Win is Hosting an Amazon GC Giveaway
Helping Mommies Win is a site dedicated to helping us moms find giveaways. I just discovered this site, and I've enjoyed the tips on winning as well as the lists of giveaways. Currently, the author of Helping Mommies Win is offering her readers a chance to win a $15 Amazon GC. I love Amazon so my fingers are crossed! Go enter and good luck.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I'm Having Fun with Swagbucks. So Can You!

I joined Swagbucks almost two weeks ago and I've already earned enough swagbucks for a $5 Amazon GC! How, you ask? By doing what I always do when I log onto the internet. I merely search for the things I normally search for, but instead of using google I use the Swagbucks search engine. You can download the toolbar, or not. It's up to you. I just go to www.swagbucks.com and log in. Then I start visiting the sites I normally visit, or I search for other sites. You never know when you'll win a swagbuck, but I think it's normal to win 2 or 3 a day. The site lets you know when you win one (or more), and your running total is always displayed. You can also earn swagbucks by following Swagbucks on twitter or facebook and watching for certain codes. All of this becomes clear after you sign up. It's really easy and fun and takes no extra effort! So, use the link above or on my sidebar and join today. You automatically earn three swagbucks when you sign up!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Weekend Full of Giveaways
When I first started entering blog giveaways, I immediately wanted to have one of my own. I didn't know how to host a giveaway, but I stumbled through a couple by giving away new things that I had on hand. Then I had a Flip Note giveaway and actively advertised to attract entries. Giveaways aren't as simple as they look, and I admire the work and dedication that giveaways require. I don't enter giveaways for things I don't need or want because I don't want to win something that I know someone else might really need. The following are the giveaways I'm entering this weekend and they are all things I would love to have! And thank you reviewers and giveawayers...is that a word?
* Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a Savespro $20 GC. I was not familiar with Savespro till I read a couple of reviews about this company. Savespro has great prices and a huge selection of products. I'm sure I'll be buying something from this company in the near future. Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is also hosting a giveaway for a Macaroni Grill gift package. The package includes a sample of the Creamy Basil Parmesan Chicken Pasta variety, three coupons for you to try the other varieties the next time you visit your local grocer, a colander, serving spoon and cheese grater. Good luck!
* If you had ever had the pleasure of riding in a car with me, you would know how much I need a GPS system. Mom Fuse is giving away a Motorola Motonav TN30, one of the neatest GPS devices available. It has a touch and drag screen, 2D and 3D map perspectives, no activation or monthly fees, etc. To read all about the Motonav TN30, go to Mom Fuse. Don't forget to enter!
* Jamie's Precious Peas is giving away either a T3 Pro Blow Dryer or a Flat Iron. These are both much nicer than any blow dryer or flat iron I've ever owned. I usually get hair styling items from Walmart, and I don't put much thought into the purchase. After reading the review of these products, I know they are well made and work beautifully. I would love to own either the dryer or the flat iron!
* Have you seen the new decorator Clorox canisters? They are pretty enough to leave out in any room, and they are functional! The dispenser only dispenses one wipe at a time to cut down on waste. And we all know about Clorox's cleaning power! If you want a chance to win a Clorox canister (10 winners in all!) go enter at Lisa Reviews. Good luck!
* Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a Savespro $20 GC. I was not familiar with Savespro till I read a couple of reviews about this company. Savespro has great prices and a huge selection of products. I'm sure I'll be buying something from this company in the near future. Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is also hosting a giveaway for a Macaroni Grill gift package. The package includes a sample of the Creamy Basil Parmesan Chicken Pasta variety, three coupons for you to try the other varieties the next time you visit your local grocer, a colander, serving spoon and cheese grater. Good luck!
* If you had ever had the pleasure of riding in a car with me, you would know how much I need a GPS system. Mom Fuse is giving away a Motorola Motonav TN30, one of the neatest GPS devices available. It has a touch and drag screen, 2D and 3D map perspectives, no activation or monthly fees, etc. To read all about the Motonav TN30, go to Mom Fuse. Don't forget to enter!
* Jamie's Precious Peas is giving away either a T3 Pro Blow Dryer or a Flat Iron. These are both much nicer than any blow dryer or flat iron I've ever owned. I usually get hair styling items from Walmart, and I don't put much thought into the purchase. After reading the review of these products, I know they are well made and work beautifully. I would love to own either the dryer or the flat iron!
* Have you seen the new decorator Clorox canisters? They are pretty enough to leave out in any room, and they are functional! The dispenser only dispenses one wipe at a time to cut down on waste. And we all know about Clorox's cleaning power! If you want a chance to win a Clorox canister (10 winners in all!) go enter at Lisa Reviews. Good luck!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tax Day Giveaways
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy is giving one lucky reader a Magellan GPS system (Magellan Maestro 4350) valued at $399.99! I could really use this. My kids can tell you some funny stories about the times we've been lost. I've even been lost in my own town! Go enter this great giveaway. It ends on May 6th.
Savin' Some is hosting a Macaroni Grill gift set giveaway. The gift basket containins a box of creamy basil parmesan chicken and pasta (yummmm), a colander, a cheese grater, and a spoon. Sounds perfect to me!
The Alternative Consumer is hosting a HUGE giveaway for a Black and Decker rechargable lawnmower! This Eco friendly lawnmower is worth over $400. AND there is a second prize for a cordless leaf blower worth approximately $70. This is one of the best giveaways I've entered and I hope whoever wins really needs a new lawnmower!
This next giveaway is very interesting and unique. Is It Monday Already? is offering 5 readers a membership to Breakpals. Breakpals is a workout program that uses a widget on your computer that displays small videos to give you breaks through exercise. How neat is that! I'm not entirely sure how it works, but we all need more exercise and this sounds like a fun way to get more!
This Full House Reviews is hosting a Disneynature Earth giveaway in honor of Earth Day 2009. The prize package includes: Disneynature canvas tote, a reusable grocery bag, a biodegradable tumbler, a tree seedling, and more. Thanks Disney and This Full House Reviews!
Savin' Some is hosting a Macaroni Grill gift set giveaway. The gift basket containins a box of creamy basil parmesan chicken and pasta (yummmm), a colander, a cheese grater, and a spoon. Sounds perfect to me!
The Alternative Consumer is hosting a HUGE giveaway for a Black and Decker rechargable lawnmower! This Eco friendly lawnmower is worth over $400. AND there is a second prize for a cordless leaf blower worth approximately $70. This is one of the best giveaways I've entered and I hope whoever wins really needs a new lawnmower!
This next giveaway is very interesting and unique. Is It Monday Already? is offering 5 readers a membership to Breakpals. Breakpals is a workout program that uses a widget on your computer that displays small videos to give you breaks through exercise. How neat is that! I'm not entirely sure how it works, but we all need more exercise and this sounds like a fun way to get more!
This Full House Reviews is hosting a Disneynature Earth giveaway in honor of Earth Day 2009. The prize package includes: Disneynature canvas tote, a reusable grocery bag, a biodegradable tumbler, a tree seedling, and more. Thanks Disney and This Full House Reviews!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Do You Love Yummy Giveaways?
If you love chocolate (and who doesn't??) you need to visit Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls for a chance to win a Fairytale Cocoa Duo from Fairytale Brownies. Now I have chocolate on the mind! I wonder what's left in my daughters' Easter baskets?
The second yummy giveaway I discovered is a $25 GC to Outback Steakhouse. This is generously offered to one lucky reader of On Our Way a blog dedicated to saving money. It's fascinating because it is written by twenty something year olds who are actually changing their lifestyles in order to retire early! I am so happy to find people that young who are already thinking about the future!
This giveaway isn't for the actual yummy item, but for what carries the yummy items. Jamie's Precious Peas is giving away reusable shopping bags from hotSACKS. This company even carries mesh bags for fruits and vegetables. These bags have great color patterns and are roomy. Go, enter!
Mama's Money Savers is also hosting a giveaway for reusable shopping bags. Her giveaway is from ECObags. These bags hold up to 40 lbs and the possibilities are endless. They are expandable, lightweight, strong, durable, fun, and fashionable! Thanks Mama's Money Savers!
Ragu is the next yummmmmy giveaway. Skimbaco Lifestyle is hosting a giveaway for a six month supply of Ragu plus a cookbook by Chef Robin Miller. I grew up eating Ragu spaghetti sauce, so I usually have a couple of jars on hand. I use it in spaghetti, lasagna, and chicken parmesan. I've even used it in chili! Good luck!
OK, this is not really a food related giveaway, but my youngest thinks it is one yummy giveaway. A Mom's Balancing Act is giving away a Hannah Montana gift bag filled with beauty supplies. Some of the items included are nail polish, shampoo, lipgloss, and toothpaste. If I won this, my daughter would think it was Christmas again! After you enter the giveaway, look around A Mom's Balancing Act. This blog has frugal tips, parenting advice, insights into marriage, and...well, just about everything. You will enjoy this blog, I promise!
The second yummy giveaway I discovered is a $25 GC to Outback Steakhouse. This is generously offered to one lucky reader of On Our Way a blog dedicated to saving money. It's fascinating because it is written by twenty something year olds who are actually changing their lifestyles in order to retire early! I am so happy to find people that young who are already thinking about the future!
This giveaway isn't for the actual yummy item, but for what carries the yummy items. Jamie's Precious Peas is giving away reusable shopping bags from hotSACKS. This company even carries mesh bags for fruits and vegetables. These bags have great color patterns and are roomy. Go, enter!
Mama's Money Savers is also hosting a giveaway for reusable shopping bags. Her giveaway is from ECObags. These bags hold up to 40 lbs and the possibilities are endless. They are expandable, lightweight, strong, durable, fun, and fashionable! Thanks Mama's Money Savers!
Ragu is the next yummmmmy giveaway. Skimbaco Lifestyle is hosting a giveaway for a six month supply of Ragu plus a cookbook by Chef Robin Miller. I grew up eating Ragu spaghetti sauce, so I usually have a couple of jars on hand. I use it in spaghetti, lasagna, and chicken parmesan. I've even used it in chili! Good luck!
OK, this is not really a food related giveaway, but my youngest thinks it is one yummy giveaway. A Mom's Balancing Act is giving away a Hannah Montana gift bag filled with beauty supplies. Some of the items included are nail polish, shampoo, lipgloss, and toothpaste. If I won this, my daughter would think it was Christmas again! After you enter the giveaway, look around A Mom's Balancing Act. This blog has frugal tips, parenting advice, insights into marriage, and...well, just about everything. You will enjoy this blog, I promise!
Mommy Goggles is Hosting Several Great Giveaways
Mommy Goggles always has wonderful giveaways. I have entered several contests there and I'm always impressed with her honest and well worded reviews. Today I'm entering for a chance to win a reusable shopping bag and coupons for Bright Green cleaning supplies. These cleaning supplies could put a big dent in my spring cleaning! I'm also entering a giveaway for a chance to win a Vado HD Pocket Video Cam. Even if you don't enter the giveaway, go to Mommy Goggles and read about this great little camera. If I owned one I would take it everywhere! Another great giveaway from Mommy Goggles is a Lean Cuisine coupon giveaway. I'm always struggling with my weight, and I'm a big fan of Lean Cuisine frozen meals. The last giveaway I'm entering today at Mommy Goggles is for Seventh Generation Living Home Starter Kit. I am serious about using as few harmful chemicals as possible in my everyday life. Seventh Generation products will help me achieve that goal.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Weekend Giveaways from a Few Generous Bloggers
There are currently a lot of great giveaways out there in blog world and I'm ready to enter a few. I don't have time to enter as many as I would like, but here's what I'm entering:
* 5 minutes for Giveaways is giving away two Twilight packages. One is for the movie, the other for the books (hardbound!). To enter you are going to have to visit a site called Shmoop. I am so glad I did because I will be using this site as a homeschooling aid. Go to 5 Minutes for Giveaways and read all about Shmoop!
* I am always losing my sunglasses, cell phone, keys, and brain. Just ask my kids! I was happy to find a giveaway for sunglasses at Life Starring Ellie and Eve. Go, enter!
* I got lucky again when I found this giveaway: a $25 GC to Sunglass Warehouse! You too can enter this great giveaway at Tales from a Shopaholic Mommy. Don't you just love that name!
* I entered 4 (that's right, FOUR) great giveaways at Eighty MPH Mom. The first is for a Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator. These are great for decorating cookies, cakes, etc. I actually owned one and I loaned it to a friend who was decorating cookies for a bakesale. I just had to say, "Oh, you've got to try this, it will make decorating so much easier!" Did I get it back? NO. The second giveaway I entered at Eighty MPH Mom is for a WomenHeart's All Health Family Cookbook. I love cookbooks and this would be a welcome addition to my collection. The third giveaway I entered is for a $15 GC to Starbucks. yummmmm The last giveaway is for e.l.f. cosmetics. The winner gets an entire mineral starter kit! How great is that! So, go enter all of these fantastic giveaways. Thank you Eighty MPH Mom!
* The Funky Monkey is one of the first review type blogs I discovered. She always has awesome giveaways and the one I just entered is certainly top notch. This giveaway is a huge pancake breakfast gift basket. It looks absolutely delicious. My mouth is drooling and my fingers are crossed. After you enter this giveaway, look for Funky Monkey's Carson Binocular giveaway. I'm entering that one too!
* Chic Shopper Chic is giving away a Nankeen Tote Bag. These bags aren't your ordinary tote bags. They are works of art! The Totes are roomy, gorgeous, and durable. I want one!!!!
* This giveaway comes from a blog that is new to me: Life in the Carpool Lane. In honor of her 101st post, the author of this fun blog is giving away a $50 GC to Target, my favorite store! Needless to say, my fingers and toes are crossed. So, go visit Life in the Carpool Lane and enter to win a Target GC. While you're there, take a look at Logan and Jack, the two cutie guys to the left of the post. Your heart will melt.
* OK, this is something I really, really need - a basket of Weiman cleaning products! These green cleaning products really do the job and I need them. Just ask my kids! Rockin Mama is hosting this fabulous giveaway.
* Two of A Kind, Working on a Full House is giving 3 readers a new Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Decor Canister. These gorgeous canisters would look good in any room, but I think I need one most in my son's bathroom. I haven't seen these in stores yet, but I'm looking! Good luck.
* 5 minutes for Giveaways is giving away two Twilight packages. One is for the movie, the other for the books (hardbound!). To enter you are going to have to visit a site called Shmoop. I am so glad I did because I will be using this site as a homeschooling aid. Go to 5 Minutes for Giveaways and read all about Shmoop!
* I am always losing my sunglasses, cell phone, keys, and brain. Just ask my kids! I was happy to find a giveaway for sunglasses at Life Starring Ellie and Eve. Go, enter!
* I got lucky again when I found this giveaway: a $25 GC to Sunglass Warehouse! You too can enter this great giveaway at Tales from a Shopaholic Mommy. Don't you just love that name!
* I entered 4 (that's right, FOUR) great giveaways at Eighty MPH Mom. The first is for a Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator. These are great for decorating cookies, cakes, etc. I actually owned one and I loaned it to a friend who was decorating cookies for a bakesale. I just had to say, "Oh, you've got to try this, it will make decorating so much easier!" Did I get it back? NO. The second giveaway I entered at Eighty MPH Mom is for a WomenHeart's All Health Family Cookbook. I love cookbooks and this would be a welcome addition to my collection. The third giveaway I entered is for a $15 GC to Starbucks. yummmmm The last giveaway is for e.l.f. cosmetics. The winner gets an entire mineral starter kit! How great is that! So, go enter all of these fantastic giveaways. Thank you Eighty MPH Mom!
* The Funky Monkey is one of the first review type blogs I discovered. She always has awesome giveaways and the one I just entered is certainly top notch. This giveaway is a huge pancake breakfast gift basket. It looks absolutely delicious. My mouth is drooling and my fingers are crossed. After you enter this giveaway, look for Funky Monkey's Carson Binocular giveaway. I'm entering that one too!
* Chic Shopper Chic is giving away a Nankeen Tote Bag. These bags aren't your ordinary tote bags. They are works of art! The Totes are roomy, gorgeous, and durable. I want one!!!!
* This giveaway comes from a blog that is new to me: Life in the Carpool Lane. In honor of her 101st post, the author of this fun blog is giving away a $50 GC to Target, my favorite store! Needless to say, my fingers and toes are crossed. So, go visit Life in the Carpool Lane and enter to win a Target GC. While you're there, take a look at Logan and Jack, the two cutie guys to the left of the post. Your heart will melt.
* OK, this is something I really, really need - a basket of Weiman cleaning products! These green cleaning products really do the job and I need them. Just ask my kids! Rockin Mama is hosting this fabulous giveaway.
* Two of A Kind, Working on a Full House is giving 3 readers a new Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Decor Canister. These gorgeous canisters would look good in any room, but I think I need one most in my son's bathroom. I haven't seen these in stores yet, but I'm looking! Good luck.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
One Project Closer and a $200 GC to Home Depot
Did you know Home Depot rents tools? Well, they do and I was surprised to learn just how extensive the list of tools is. I may be renting a carpet cleaner from Home Depot next week because our carpet picked up a few unidentifiable stains over the winter. If you would like to win a $200 GC to Home Depot, head over to One Project Closer. This is my kind of giveaway - a great prize and easy entries. Just leave a comment or two and you're entered! Good luck and happy projects!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Who wouldn't want to win a $50 Gift Certificate!
I know I would and I bet you would too! Thanks to Sweet Savings we have the chance to win a $50 GC to Bath & Body Works, Borders, Darden Restaurants OR Panara Bread, winners choice. Although it's snowing here, this giveaway is in celebration of spring break. Good luck!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Weekend Giveaways
My daughter and I are watching a Hallmark movie, but it's not holding my interest. I decided to enter a few giveaways while it's on. Here they are:
* "Deal"ectible Mommies is giving away a $25 gift certificate to Outback Steakhouse. All I can say is yummmmmmmmmmm
* Everything Up Close is also giving away a Gift Certificate. This one is a $20 GC to Savespro, a store that offers great deals on hundreds of items. I love the selection and so will you!
* Win a shopping tote from TakeaTote.com at Sweeties Swag
You don't have to be a movie star to get free swag!
Sweeties Swag is the place for the best free magazines, free samples, free coupons, free food, and saving money on shopping, travel, dining out and more.
* Enter to win 400 coupons (2 winners!) at Mom Saves Money. I'm a mom on a budget who uses every coupon I can get my hands on to help save money. If you're like me, you have to enter this giveaway!
* Stuff Under Twenty is offering us a chance to win a $20 GC to Target. It doesn't get any better than a free shopping spree at Target!
* I have wanted a Slanket since they first came out. Really! I don't know why I don't just buy one, and maybe I will if I see one. Can you buy them in stores? I'm not sure, but I'm going to try to win one at Therapeutic Reviews and Giveaways. Thanks for the chance Mom Jen.
* Salad for Breakfast (love that name!) is hosting her first giveaway and it's a big one. She's giving one reader a $50 GC to Amazon! Oh, the books I would buy!
* Granny Janet's Place is hosting a coupon insert giveaway with a value of over $300 and, boy howdy, would I love to win. My coupon collection is getting rather low and I need to build it up! So, my fingers are crossed! Thank you Granny Janet.
* Everything Up Close is giving 3 winners an Envirosax reusable shopping bag. These bags are sturdy and hold way more than normal shopping bags. I would love to own one of these lovely bags.
* "Deal"ectible Mommies is giving away a $25 gift certificate to Outback Steakhouse. All I can say is yummmmmmmmmmm
* Everything Up Close is also giving away a Gift Certificate. This one is a $20 GC to Savespro, a store that offers great deals on hundreds of items. I love the selection and so will you!
* Win a shopping tote from TakeaTote.com at Sweeties Swag
You don't have to be a movie star to get free swag!
Sweeties Swag is the place for the best free magazines, free samples, free coupons, free food, and saving money on shopping, travel, dining out and more.
* Enter to win 400 coupons (2 winners!) at Mom Saves Money. I'm a mom on a budget who uses every coupon I can get my hands on to help save money. If you're like me, you have to enter this giveaway!
* Stuff Under Twenty is offering us a chance to win a $20 GC to Target. It doesn't get any better than a free shopping spree at Target!
* I have wanted a Slanket since they first came out. Really! I don't know why I don't just buy one, and maybe I will if I see one. Can you buy them in stores? I'm not sure, but I'm going to try to win one at Therapeutic Reviews and Giveaways. Thanks for the chance Mom Jen.
* Salad for Breakfast (love that name!) is hosting her first giveaway and it's a big one. She's giving one reader a $50 GC to Amazon! Oh, the books I would buy!
* Granny Janet's Place is hosting a coupon insert giveaway with a value of over $300 and, boy howdy, would I love to win. My coupon collection is getting rather low and I need to build it up! So, my fingers are crossed! Thank you Granny Janet.
* Everything Up Close is giving 3 winners an Envirosax reusable shopping bag. These bags are sturdy and hold way more than normal shopping bags. I would love to own one of these lovely bags.
Get Creative! Design and Win a Flip Note
Flip Note Fan is hosting his first contest and it's going to be fun! Get those creative juices flowing and start designing covers for Flip Notes. Each design submitted will get an entry. There will be five winners, chosen the following ways:
* Three will be chosen by someone at Wellspring (identity unknown)
* Two will be chosen by a vote (working on logistics of that right now)
* One will be chosen by random drawing.
For the random entries you can blog about your reason for entering this contest, post a link to www.flipnotefan.com, or tweet. For all the info on this fun giveaway, go here: http://www.flipnotefan.com/content/design-your-own-flipnote-.
I own and love a Flip Note, and it goes everywhere with me. Whenever I pull it out, someone asks me where I got it. Flip Notes make great, unique gifts. It's almost the end of the school year, and we all like to give our child's teacher a special gift. Wouldn't the Flip Note be perfect! Go enter and good luck!
* Three will be chosen by someone at Wellspring (identity unknown)
* Two will be chosen by a vote (working on logistics of that right now)
* One will be chosen by random drawing.
For the random entries you can blog about your reason for entering this contest, post a link to www.flipnotefan.com, or tweet. For all the info on this fun giveaway, go here: http://www.flipnotefan.com/content/design-your-own-flipnote-.
I own and love a Flip Note, and it goes everywhere with me. Whenever I pull it out, someone asks me where I got it. Flip Notes make great, unique gifts. It's almost the end of the school year, and we all like to give our child's teacher a special gift. Wouldn't the Flip Note be perfect! Go enter and good luck!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Mud Bug Giveaways
The Mud Bug is hosting several great giveaways this month. I'm entering her Hoover Cordless Stick Vacuum giveaway and the Keurig Platinum Brewer giveaway. You will find other big giveaways at the Mud Bug, including one for an epson printer, but I'm leaving those for the folks who really need those items. What I do need is a Hoover lightweight cordless vacuum! I have pets and they make cleaning the floors a challenge. I also need something to make coffee and hot chocolate. I use a sauce pan for instant coffee and cocoa. Oh, would I love the Keurig Platinum Brewing system!
$100 at Choyster Cash
Times are tough and we can all use a little something extra. Choyster Cash is offering its readers a $100 giveaway. Just do a few of the regular entry requirements and leave a comment. Good luck!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Target Giveaway
Target is my favorite place to shop. I probably get better bargains at Walmart, but there's something about Target that I enjoy. I just found this:
Blogaways is an online coupon blog that is holding a $50 Target gift card giveaway! Check out Blogaways for coupons, giveaways and contests, and for a chance to win a $50 Target gift card!
Here's the link: http://www.blogaways.com/2009/03/22/win-a-50-target-gift-card-at-blogaways/
Blogaways is an online coupon blog that is holding a $50 Target gift card giveaway! Check out Blogaways for coupons, giveaways and contests, and for a chance to win a $50 Target gift card!
Here's the link: http://www.blogaways.com/2009/03/22/win-a-50-target-gift-card-at-blogaways/
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Wednesday Giveaways
I found some great middle of the week giveaways. I only have time to enter a few, and here they are:
* The Sweetest Petunia is hosting a real girly girl giveaway that includes mineral makeup, Bath & Body Works, and Vera Bradley. Nice, huh!
* Here's one for coupon lovers...uhhhh ME! Saving Cents With Sense is giving away mega amounts of coupons to 2 winners! WooooHoooo
* 1 Stopmom has been hosting lots of really nice giveaways lately. She is currently giving away an Exergen Temporal Scanner, a device that makes taking your child's temperature a snap. As a mom, this sounds like a dream come true.
* The Dirty Shirt is giving us all a chance to win sunglasses from Sunglass Warehouse. If you are familiar with this company, you know that the glasses are very affordable and the selection is huge. Good Luck!
* Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a beautiful Easter Bag from The Ole Bag Lady. Have you ever noticed that the word "Ole" sounds almost elegant but the word "Old" is just "old." Anyway, the bag would be great to stuff with Easter Goodies for a special little someone! Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is also giving away fudge from Rosa's Fudge. So many flavors, so many calories, so much temptation, so goooooooood! AND if those two giveaways aren't enough, Frugal Mommy is giving away a large and small tote from Top It Off. These totes would be perfect for mother and daughter. Thanks Frugal Mommy!
* Simply Stacie is hosting a Natural Lites Candles giveaway. This company makes soy based candles that don't emit carcinogenic toxins into the air. These candles are slow burners too, so they last longer than other candles.
* Amanda is giving us the opportunity to win candy for Easter. The candy is from Tootsie Roll so you know it's delicious! Now I'm thinking about chocolate.....
* Win Piggy Paint at Wishing Penny. I absolutely love odorless nail polish. The smell of nail polish has always made me feel a little sick, and I make my girls use the stuff outside. They would love for me to win this!
* Latina on a Mission is giving away a pink multi tool kit. As a single mom I am always doing little household repairs. I would love to have this kit onhand! Thanks Latina on a Mission.
* Therapeutic Reviews is offering one reader an Exergen TemporalScanner. I posted some about this handy device earlier, and I still want one! Thanks for the chance Mom Jen.
* And last but not least, Eighty MPH Mom is hosting a giveaway for a vtech phone! We currently have one working phone besides cell phones. Most of the time I can't even find that phone. I have to call myself to locate it. Then, I'm always letting the battery die. I would love to have another phone and this one looks great! Good luck!
* The Sweetest Petunia is hosting a real girly girl giveaway that includes mineral makeup, Bath & Body Works, and Vera Bradley. Nice, huh!
* Here's one for coupon lovers...uhhhh ME! Saving Cents With Sense is giving away mega amounts of coupons to 2 winners! WooooHoooo
* 1 Stopmom has been hosting lots of really nice giveaways lately. She is currently giving away an Exergen Temporal Scanner, a device that makes taking your child's temperature a snap. As a mom, this sounds like a dream come true.
* The Dirty Shirt is giving us all a chance to win sunglasses from Sunglass Warehouse. If you are familiar with this company, you know that the glasses are very affordable and the selection is huge. Good Luck!
* Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a beautiful Easter Bag from The Ole Bag Lady. Have you ever noticed that the word "Ole" sounds almost elegant but the word "Old" is just "old." Anyway, the bag would be great to stuff with Easter Goodies for a special little someone! Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is also giving away fudge from Rosa's Fudge. So many flavors, so many calories, so much temptation, so goooooooood! AND if those two giveaways aren't enough, Frugal Mommy is giving away a large and small tote from Top It Off. These totes would be perfect for mother and daughter. Thanks Frugal Mommy!
* Simply Stacie is hosting a Natural Lites Candles giveaway. This company makes soy based candles that don't emit carcinogenic toxins into the air. These candles are slow burners too, so they last longer than other candles.
* Amanda is giving us the opportunity to win candy for Easter. The candy is from Tootsie Roll so you know it's delicious! Now I'm thinking about chocolate.....
* Win Piggy Paint at Wishing Penny. I absolutely love odorless nail polish. The smell of nail polish has always made me feel a little sick, and I make my girls use the stuff outside. They would love for me to win this!
* Latina on a Mission is giving away a pink multi tool kit. As a single mom I am always doing little household repairs. I would love to have this kit onhand! Thanks Latina on a Mission.
* Therapeutic Reviews is offering one reader an Exergen TemporalScanner. I posted some about this handy device earlier, and I still want one! Thanks for the chance Mom Jen.
* And last but not least, Eighty MPH Mom is hosting a giveaway for a vtech phone! We currently have one working phone besides cell phones. Most of the time I can't even find that phone. I have to call myself to locate it. Then, I'm always letting the battery die. I would love to have another phone and this one looks great! Good luck!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Congratulations to the winners of my Flip Note's giveaway:
Joy from My Reason(s) to Blog said:
"I need flip notes because the regular little notebook that I carry is getting all tattered ... and because March is my birthday month!! :)
(entry 4)"
Debbie, who said "I would like to have the flip note because my purse is such a mess & it's Spring Cleaning Time!!! Love the classy black & white pasley!"
Both winners have been emailed.
Joy from My Reason(s) to Blog said:
"I need flip notes because the regular little notebook that I carry is getting all tattered ... and because March is my birthday month!! :)
(entry 4)"
Debbie, who said "I would like to have the flip note because my purse is such a mess & it's Spring Cleaning Time!!! Love the classy black & white pasley!"
Both winners have been emailed.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday Again....plus a few giveaways
Can you believe it's Friday again? Wasn't it just Monday??? Time is going by way too fast for my liking, but I don't know what to do about it. My children are almost grown, my knees hurt, I have a pair of pants with elastic in the waste, and my new car is about 8 years old. I have no idea how these things happened, and I don't plan to dwell on them, at least not tonight. Too depressing. Instead, I'm going to enter these fun giveaways:
* eBay Selling Coach is giving away 15 newspaper inserts to 2 winners. That's 15 inserts for both winners! Winning would be a couponers dream come true!
* Coupon Princess Saves You Money is hosting a giveaway for a Free and Clear Starter Kit from Seventh Generation. Coupon Princess is new to me, but this is one blog I'll be visiting regularly because I love saving money, and I have a feeling she's gonna help me do it!
* Staying Fit Online is hosting a giveaway for a $50 GC to Amazon as well as 4 quill series 510 pens. If you are concerned with health issues, go read some of the informative posts on this blog. I was amazed by what I learned on this site, and I consider myself fairly informed about health issues. Did you know that the tin cans in our grocery stores are lined with a thin coating of a substance which contains BPA? Yikes! I'm telling you, go read Staying Fit Online and you'll rethink a few of your lifestyle choices.
* Two of a Kind,working on a full house is giving away an Exergen TemporalScanner. This device takes temperatures in just seconds, and it's more accurate than traditional thermometers. To read more about the temporalScanner go to the Exergen site. What mom wouldn't love to own one of these little wonders! Two of a Kind is also hosting a giveaway for a Windex All-In-One window cleaning tool. If I had one of these neat cleaning devices, I think I might actually wash my windows. No ladders, no rags, no hard labor. Gotta love that!
* This next giveaway is something I love - A GIFT CERTIFICATE! Combine that with chocolate (well, chocolate for me and maybe coffee for you) and what could be better? This giveaway is for a $10 Starbucks GC. I know, I know, when you think of Starbucks you think of coffee and frappuccinolattemachiattomochadouble something. Not me, I'm hot chocolate all the way. Add whip cream and I'm in heaven. You can enter to win this great giveaway at Two Monkeys & A Washtub. Cute name, huh! Go enter and take a look around this smart blog.
* The Mom Buzz is hosting a cool giveaway. How do I know this giveaway is cool? Just ask Mom Buzz's nephew! You see, he wanted a cool scooter and his aunt (he must have her wrapped around his little finger!) was immediately on the hunt for one super cool scooter. And she found it: the Electron Fuzion by Nextsport. AND she's giving one away, so go enter at the Mom Buzz for one cool ride.
* Jamie's Precious Peas (and they are precious!) is giving away three Envirosax to one lucky reader. These are the most beautiful resuable shopping bags I have ever seen. The children's series are as cute as they can be! And these bags are strong!
So, if you have a need for a reusable bag, go enter now.
* The Branches is giving away a copy of Twilight on DVD and a Starbuck's GC. If I won this, my daughter in college would come home the very next weekend and watch Twilight over and over. She really would! Thanks to The Branches for a fun giveaway.
* The Dirty Shirt is always hosting great giveaways and I've entered many of them. This time she's giving away the Windex all-in-one glass cleaning tool for outside windows. This handy kit cleans outdoor windows in just 3 easy steps: Spray the window and cleaning pad with a hose. Wipe window with pad. Rinse window with hose. You don't even have to dry the window. I hate washing windows, but this would be a breeze. Thanks Jennifer!
* Mom Fuse is also giving away the Windex All-In-One outside window cleaner. You've got to visit her site to enter so you can see how clean she got her windows after using the All-In-One cleaner. Remember, all you have to do is wet the window and pad with a hose, wipe window with pad, rinse window. Easy as can be!
* Oh, the pressure! I feel like someone is trying to tell me I need to wash my windows immediately. If I win this giveaway, I will! It's another Windex All-In-One window cleaning tool brought to you by 1 Stopmom Giveaways and Reviews. I've been visiting this site for months now and I always learn something. I don't enter all the giveaways because I just don't enter giveaways for things I don't need. That gives those who really need the item a better chance. Even thought I don't enter all of 1 Stop Mom's giveaways, I do learn from her well written and honest reviews. Thanks 1 Stop Mom.
* I love to cook, but I always think everyone else's food tastes better than mine (probably because it does, grrrrrr). I do think my lasagna is decent, and I love to order lasagna in restaurants in hopes of tasting some new little something that I can add to my lasagna. I just discovered that Pizza Hut is not just for pizza lovers anymore. They now offer delicious pasta dishes, as well as a yummy Hershey chocolate dunker dessert. Of course I want to try the Tuscan lasagna ASAP. Mama's Money Savers is giving 1 of her readers a $20 gift certificate via email! If I win, that lasagna plus a Hershey dunker is mine, all mine! Don't forget to look around Mama's Money Savers' blog for her other generous giveaways.
* My need to coupon just began this year. In years past I didn't worry about money so much, but now I have 2 in college, 1 at home, a boat load of dogs, and things have changed. Now I'm a coupon and bargain hunter. I've found that I enjoy the challenge of getting the most for my money. Mom Saves Money is giving away 200 manufacturer's coupons. My fingers are crossed!
* eBay Selling Coach is giving away 15 newspaper inserts to 2 winners. That's 15 inserts for both winners! Winning would be a couponers dream come true!
* Coupon Princess Saves You Money is hosting a giveaway for a Free and Clear Starter Kit from Seventh Generation. Coupon Princess is new to me, but this is one blog I'll be visiting regularly because I love saving money, and I have a feeling she's gonna help me do it!
* Staying Fit Online is hosting a giveaway for a $50 GC to Amazon as well as 4 quill series 510 pens. If you are concerned with health issues, go read some of the informative posts on this blog. I was amazed by what I learned on this site, and I consider myself fairly informed about health issues. Did you know that the tin cans in our grocery stores are lined with a thin coating of a substance which contains BPA? Yikes! I'm telling you, go read Staying Fit Online and you'll rethink a few of your lifestyle choices.
* Two of a Kind,working on a full house is giving away an Exergen TemporalScanner. This device takes temperatures in just seconds, and it's more accurate than traditional thermometers. To read more about the temporalScanner go to the Exergen site. What mom wouldn't love to own one of these little wonders! Two of a Kind is also hosting a giveaway for a Windex All-In-One window cleaning tool. If I had one of these neat cleaning devices, I think I might actually wash my windows. No ladders, no rags, no hard labor. Gotta love that!
* This next giveaway is something I love - A GIFT CERTIFICATE! Combine that with chocolate (well, chocolate for me and maybe coffee for you) and what could be better? This giveaway is for a $10 Starbucks GC. I know, I know, when you think of Starbucks you think of coffee and frappuccinolattemachiattomochadouble something. Not me, I'm hot chocolate all the way. Add whip cream and I'm in heaven. You can enter to win this great giveaway at Two Monkeys & A Washtub. Cute name, huh! Go enter and take a look around this smart blog.
* The Mom Buzz is hosting a cool giveaway. How do I know this giveaway is cool? Just ask Mom Buzz's nephew! You see, he wanted a cool scooter and his aunt (he must have her wrapped around his little finger!) was immediately on the hunt for one super cool scooter. And she found it: the Electron Fuzion by Nextsport. AND she's giving one away, so go enter at the Mom Buzz for one cool ride.
* Jamie's Precious Peas (and they are precious!) is giving away three Envirosax to one lucky reader. These are the most beautiful resuable shopping bags I have ever seen. The children's series are as cute as they can be! And these bags are strong!
So, if you have a need for a reusable bag, go enter now.
* The Branches is giving away a copy of Twilight on DVD and a Starbuck's GC. If I won this, my daughter in college would come home the very next weekend and watch Twilight over and over. She really would! Thanks to The Branches for a fun giveaway.
* The Dirty Shirt is always hosting great giveaways and I've entered many of them. This time she's giving away the Windex all-in-one glass cleaning tool for outside windows. This handy kit cleans outdoor windows in just 3 easy steps: Spray the window and cleaning pad with a hose. Wipe window with pad. Rinse window with hose. You don't even have to dry the window. I hate washing windows, but this would be a breeze. Thanks Jennifer!
* Mom Fuse is also giving away the Windex All-In-One outside window cleaner. You've got to visit her site to enter so you can see how clean she got her windows after using the All-In-One cleaner. Remember, all you have to do is wet the window and pad with a hose, wipe window with pad, rinse window. Easy as can be!
* Oh, the pressure! I feel like someone is trying to tell me I need to wash my windows immediately. If I win this giveaway, I will! It's another Windex All-In-One window cleaning tool brought to you by 1 Stopmom Giveaways and Reviews. I've been visiting this site for months now and I always learn something. I don't enter all the giveaways because I just don't enter giveaways for things I don't need. That gives those who really need the item a better chance. Even thought I don't enter all of 1 Stop Mom's giveaways, I do learn from her well written and honest reviews. Thanks 1 Stop Mom.
* I love to cook, but I always think everyone else's food tastes better than mine (probably because it does, grrrrrr). I do think my lasagna is decent, and I love to order lasagna in restaurants in hopes of tasting some new little something that I can add to my lasagna. I just discovered that Pizza Hut is not just for pizza lovers anymore. They now offer delicious pasta dishes, as well as a yummy Hershey chocolate dunker dessert. Of course I want to try the Tuscan lasagna ASAP. Mama's Money Savers is giving 1 of her readers a $20 gift certificate via email! If I win, that lasagna plus a Hershey dunker is mine, all mine! Don't forget to look around Mama's Money Savers' blog for her other generous giveaways.
* My need to coupon just began this year. In years past I didn't worry about money so much, but now I have 2 in college, 1 at home, a boat load of dogs, and things have changed. Now I'm a coupon and bargain hunter. I've found that I enjoy the challenge of getting the most for my money. Mom Saves Money is giving away 200 manufacturer's coupons. My fingers are crossed!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Purses, Bags, and Shoes, OH MY
What is it about purses and shoes that make women want more and more? I mean, if we had to we could get by with four pairs of shoes and a couple of purses, couldn't we? OK, maybe not. But some of us, and I'm not mentioning any names, need a closet full of shoes and more purses than we can count. It just makes a body feel good, and I'm ready for a new purse, or maybe a messenger bag. Lucky for me My Organized Chaos is giving away a Central Park ECO Handbag in the Shell design from Nest. After I enter this giveaway, I'm going to scrape, scrub, and lotion my feet to get ready for sandals!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Giveaways and Gosselin's
I found a few great giveaways to enter today. I added them to my favorite's list on AOL, then I started reading about Jon and Kate Gosselin. I was curious about the rumors surrounding these two, but I forgot to watch the season finale last night. I have been reading a blog written by Aunt Jodi's sister that clearly states that she thinks the children are being exploited. Exploitation has nothing to do with being well fed, clothed, or cared for. Exploitation is using another person for selfish purposes. Are the Gosselin children being exploited? I don't know, but they certainly have no say so in the path their lives are taking. The children are put on display with their lives out there for everyone to watch. Personally, I would be a bit worried about stalkers and crazies who might try to take or harm one or more of my children. I just wouldn't take that chance. So, do you think the children are being exploited? Afterall, the children are the attraction, and they are not supplementing the parents' incomes, they ARE the income. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I guess it is what it is.
I almost forgot about the giveaways! Here are the ones I'm entering today:
* Ohana Mama is giving one lucky reader a Peek of their very own! The Peek is a nifty little device you can use to email and text. This is giveaway 2 of Ohana Mama's Baby Week 3/23 - 3/27. To read more about this week's giveaways, click on the Ohana Mama's Baby Week button on my sidebar. Good luck!
* Savin Some is hosting a giveaway for one Scentsy warmer and two scent bars. You won't believe how gorgeous the warmers are, and the selection of scents for the scent bars is huge! I would love to smell the cashmere.
* This giveaway is for a Yoga DVD. Not just any Yoga DVD, but Namaste Yoga! I have seen a few Namaste Yoga lessons on TV, but I've never had time to participate. If you need to get rid of some of the stress in your life, you might like to enter this giveaway hosted by Mudpies and Mary Janes.
* Are you as worried as I am about losing stuff if your computer crashes. I am, and I'm so computer stupid that I don't know how to make a backup of my photo's and documents. I always ask my daughter to do it. Then she rolls her eyes and gives me one of those looks. That's why I would love to win Clickfree. Now, with Clickfree there isn’t any excuse for not backing up precious content. The product is so simple to use, you literally just plug in the USB cable or insert the DVD. That’s it. For a chance to win one, go over to Momma's Review and enter.
* Thrifty & Chic Mom is giving away a Piggy Paint gift pack, winner's choice. I love this product because it's safe for little toes and it doesn't have an odor! I absolutely hate the smell of nail polish. When my daughters paint their nails, they know they have to do it outside, regardless of the weather. The smell literally makes me feel sick. This product was long overdue! When you enter at Thrifty & Chic Mom be sure to look for her Sane Fitness giveaway. I'm entering that too!
* This is my last giveaway for the night and it's a good one. Classy and Fabulous is giving away not one, but two gift cards. The first one is a $10 Starbucks card. Yummm. The second one is a $25 TJ Maxx card. What's not to love!
I almost forgot about the giveaways! Here are the ones I'm entering today:
* Ohana Mama is giving one lucky reader a Peek of their very own! The Peek is a nifty little device you can use to email and text. This is giveaway 2 of Ohana Mama's Baby Week 3/23 - 3/27. To read more about this week's giveaways, click on the Ohana Mama's Baby Week button on my sidebar. Good luck!
* Savin Some is hosting a giveaway for one Scentsy warmer and two scent bars. You won't believe how gorgeous the warmers are, and the selection of scents for the scent bars is huge! I would love to smell the cashmere.
* This giveaway is for a Yoga DVD. Not just any Yoga DVD, but Namaste Yoga! I have seen a few Namaste Yoga lessons on TV, but I've never had time to participate. If you need to get rid of some of the stress in your life, you might like to enter this giveaway hosted by Mudpies and Mary Janes.
* Are you as worried as I am about losing stuff if your computer crashes. I am, and I'm so computer stupid that I don't know how to make a backup of my photo's and documents. I always ask my daughter to do it. Then she rolls her eyes and gives me one of those looks. That's why I would love to win Clickfree. Now, with Clickfree there isn’t any excuse for not backing up precious content. The product is so simple to use, you literally just plug in the USB cable or insert the DVD. That’s it. For a chance to win one, go over to Momma's Review and enter.
* Thrifty & Chic Mom is giving away a Piggy Paint gift pack, winner's choice. I love this product because it's safe for little toes and it doesn't have an odor! I absolutely hate the smell of nail polish. When my daughters paint their nails, they know they have to do it outside, regardless of the weather. The smell literally makes me feel sick. This product was long overdue! When you enter at Thrifty & Chic Mom be sure to look for her Sane Fitness giveaway. I'm entering that too!
* This is my last giveaway for the night and it's a good one. Classy and Fabulous is giving away not one, but two gift cards. The first one is a $10 Starbucks card. Yummm. The second one is a $25 TJ Maxx card. What's not to love!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom

Are you ready to party? The Ultimate Blog Party is underway and its HUGE! I'm sending out tons of emails to my friends to remind them about this event. The purpose is to meet new friends, show support for each other, win prizes, and have fun! So, this is my post to introduce myself and join other bloggers participating in this huge blog party. I'm a SAHM of three, two of which have flown the coop to attend college. I'm so proud of those two and their accomplishments. They constantly amaze me! The youngest of my three is 12 and homeschooled. She's adopted from China and has several delays that are permanent, but she's a wonderful little girl with a huge heart. The rest of my life is pretty boring, except for the five dogs that I am currently slave to. That's right, five! I'm a sucker for big, brown eyes and a wagging tail.
Back to the Ultimate Blog Party. It runs for one week, from March 20th to Friday, March 27th. Since participating and entering for a prize is somewhat different from other giveaways, you need to go here and read all the rules and requirements: http://www.5minutesformom.com/5654/ultimate-blog-party-2009-instructions/ or you can click on the blog party button on the lower left side of this blog.
To win a prize, everyone has to list at least three prizes they would like to win from among tons of prizes, as well as visit other blogs and leave some nice comments. I'm off to leave comments and make new friends, but in the mean time my top three pick (and a few more favorites) are:
1. #58 A Kitchen Aid Mixer offered by Moms Who Think I thought I was all about gift certificates till I saw this!
2. #21 $50 Gift Cert. to Target offered by Agoosa
3. #19 $50 Gift Cert. to Target offered by Shoot Me Now
My next picks in order are #22, #88, #42, #26, #89, #USC47,#USC15, #USC56, #91,#103,#113, #49, #123, #INTL3,#121,#60, #118, #86, #72, #83, and #114.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Weekend Giveaways
Tonight I'm watching movies with my daughter who had her wisdom teeth out on Friday. Between running for ice packs, pain pills, antibiotics, steroids, ice cream, and gauze pads, I've watched a total of six movies since yesterday afternoon. I'm taking a break to enter these fun giveaways:
* Once Upon A Qpon.... is giving us a chance at 200 coupons. As a couponer, I love coupon giveaways! To enter, comment, follow, tweet....all the normal stuff. Thank you April.
* Piece of ME is giving one reader TWO Baggu reusable shopping bags. I need these so I can shop in style at our new ALDI's! I could take a couple of old, used plastic Walmart bags, but that's no fun. At ALDI's everyone bags their own groceries in their own bags. I love the no frills, low price philosophy at ALDI's. And I love Baggu bags! Fingers crossed.
* Here's a fun giveaway with no predetermined prize. You simply leave a comment that includes 5 of your favorite things. Kristen, the brains behind Kristen's Palace, will try to give the winner one of the 5 things. Of course, we need to keep it reasonable. Hey, while you're there, look for the link to her sister Chelle's blog and go say hi!
* Le Musings of Moi is hosting another reusable shopping bag giveaway. The bags are from Green World Bags, and let me tell you, they are really nice! These bags are a bit more fashionable than the typical "green" bag. The designs are great, and the bag looks roomy and sturdy. Thanks Summer.
* As moms, we are often required to be doctor and nurse to family members. We deal with poop, puke, fevers, ear infections...the list goes on. Thanks to Lipstick to Crayons I've discovered the Exergen TemporalScanner, a device that makes taking temperatures a snap. I want one, and I'm going to try to win one at Lipstick to Crayons. You can too, just go comment and do the little extras for additional entries.
* This giveaway is one I'm sure my oldest daughter would love for me to win so she could immediately take control of the winnings. The prize is a $50 GC for Pure Anada makeup from The Pure Boutique. This giveaway comes to you from A Giveaway Addicted Mommy. Go enter!
* Universal Studios is releasing The Tale of Despereaux on DVD April 7th. You can win a copy of this cute DVD at Mommie With Cents. There's a little girl at my house that would love for me to win this, so my fingers are crossed! OH, and there will be five winners! Good luck.
* Jamie's Precious Peas (and they are precious!) is giving away an Exergen TemporalScanner thermometer. Visit her blog to enter, but also to read some of her great advice and reviews. She's a mom who knows kids and products!
* Good Golly Miss Blondie is hosting a giveaway for 3 Fiber One Gift sets. Each gift basket includes a nutrition journal, water bottle, pedometer with calorie counter, and a kitchen scale. Who couldn't use those goodies? So go enter and say hi to Miss Blondie, a single mom who happens to be an O.R. nurse with a great sense of humor about her crazy life! What I want to know is, how does she find time to blog?
* Once Upon A Qpon.... is giving us a chance at 200 coupons. As a couponer, I love coupon giveaways! To enter, comment, follow, tweet....all the normal stuff. Thank you April.
* Piece of ME is giving one reader TWO Baggu reusable shopping bags. I need these so I can shop in style at our new ALDI's! I could take a couple of old, used plastic Walmart bags, but that's no fun. At ALDI's everyone bags their own groceries in their own bags. I love the no frills, low price philosophy at ALDI's. And I love Baggu bags! Fingers crossed.
* Here's a fun giveaway with no predetermined prize. You simply leave a comment that includes 5 of your favorite things. Kristen, the brains behind Kristen's Palace, will try to give the winner one of the 5 things. Of course, we need to keep it reasonable. Hey, while you're there, look for the link to her sister Chelle's blog and go say hi!
* Le Musings of Moi is hosting another reusable shopping bag giveaway. The bags are from Green World Bags, and let me tell you, they are really nice! These bags are a bit more fashionable than the typical "green" bag. The designs are great, and the bag looks roomy and sturdy. Thanks Summer.
* As moms, we are often required to be doctor and nurse to family members. We deal with poop, puke, fevers, ear infections...the list goes on. Thanks to Lipstick to Crayons I've discovered the Exergen TemporalScanner, a device that makes taking temperatures a snap. I want one, and I'm going to try to win one at Lipstick to Crayons. You can too, just go comment and do the little extras for additional entries.
* This giveaway is one I'm sure my oldest daughter would love for me to win so she could immediately take control of the winnings. The prize is a $50 GC for Pure Anada makeup from The Pure Boutique. This giveaway comes to you from A Giveaway Addicted Mommy. Go enter!
* Universal Studios is releasing The Tale of Despereaux on DVD April 7th. You can win a copy of this cute DVD at Mommie With Cents. There's a little girl at my house that would love for me to win this, so my fingers are crossed! OH, and there will be five winners! Good luck.
* Jamie's Precious Peas (and they are precious!) is giving away an Exergen TemporalScanner thermometer. Visit her blog to enter, but also to read some of her great advice and reviews. She's a mom who knows kids and products!
* Good Golly Miss Blondie is hosting a giveaway for 3 Fiber One Gift sets. Each gift basket includes a nutrition journal, water bottle, pedometer with calorie counter, and a kitchen scale. Who couldn't use those goodies? So go enter and say hi to Miss Blondie, a single mom who happens to be an O.R. nurse with a great sense of humor about her crazy life! What I want to know is, how does she find time to blog?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
More Giveaways
* Sweeps4Bloggers is giving one lucky reader an entire case (that would be 24 bags if you're counting) of Pop Chips. This snack is made without oil or fake flavors or fake colors, and no msg. As far as I can tell, it's a chip that's been popped. I haven't tried any, but I have a feeling my girls and I would love the sea salt and vinegar. That's our favorite flavor of regular chips and I bet these Pop Chips are every bit as good if not better!
While you're at Sweeps4Bloggers enter this giveaway too. It's also a food related product - virgin coconut oil. I had no clue that coconut oil was so healthy and delicious. It comes in a jar as a solid, but at a certain heat it becomes a cooking oil. Yummmmm healthy fried foods!
* Here's another food giveaway, a $25 GC to Outback Steakhouse....steaks, blooming onions, shrimp, baked and mashed potatoes....drool. She Scribes is hosting this giveaway.
Now, this is not giveaway related, but it's important. We've all been touched by cancer in one way or another. In my family, my dad is recovering from prostate cancer. While I was visiting She Scribes I read about a lady named Sammy and her relay for life. She is relaying in memory of her grandfather and a dear friend who was only 11 years old when she lost a three year battle with brain cancer. She also has an aunt who was diagnosed last year with cancer. Go visit her site at http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?px=4419363&fr_id=14731&pg=personal.
While you're at Sweeps4Bloggers enter this giveaway too. It's also a food related product - virgin coconut oil. I had no clue that coconut oil was so healthy and delicious. It comes in a jar as a solid, but at a certain heat it becomes a cooking oil. Yummmmm healthy fried foods!
* Here's another food giveaway, a $25 GC to Outback Steakhouse....steaks, blooming onions, shrimp, baked and mashed potatoes....drool. She Scribes is hosting this giveaway.
Now, this is not giveaway related, but it's important. We've all been touched by cancer in one way or another. In my family, my dad is recovering from prostate cancer. While I was visiting She Scribes I read about a lady named Sammy and her relay for life. She is relaying in memory of her grandfather and a dear friend who was only 11 years old when she lost a three year battle with brain cancer. She also has an aunt who was diagnosed last year with cancer. Go visit her site at http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?px=4419363&fr_id=14731&pg=personal.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Few Nice Giveaways to enter on a Wednesday Afternoon
Several days ago I was watching Oprah and she challenged people to not spend any money for one day, to not eat out for one week, and to not use any credit cards for one month. When I told my daughter this, she said, "That's impossible. You would have to turn off the electricity. And you would have to cancel cable, cell phones, and all other phone services." I guess she's right since we pay for every single day we use our phones, tv's, etc. I can just imagine what Verizon or Bell South would say if I called up and asked them to give me a free day of service. Anyway, I decided I would challenge myself to one day without the computer and if that worked, I might try a week...well, maybe two or three days. By 4 pm I was actually pacing the floors. I wanted, no NEEDED, my computer time! So, here I am and this is what I'm doing - entering a few giveaways! These are the ones I'm entering this afternoon:
* Sweet Savings is giving away a $15 GC to Starbucks. I love gift certificates and I love Starbucks. Perfect giveaway!
* Rockin Mama is rockin away with another spring cleaning giveaway. This time it's something I know I could really, really use...just ask my family! It's a Steamboy steam floor mop! I think steam cleaning is the way to go when mopping any floor. No harsh chemicals plus super cleaning ability! I know my kids sit on the floor and my dogs are always under my feet in the kitchen. I don't like the idea of harsh cleaning chemicals coming into contact with the kids or the pets. This is the mop for me! Thanks Rockin Mama!
* Mommy Goggles is also hosting spring cleaning giveaways. These gals make me want to get out my scrubbing and scraping supplies and get to work! Ok, that was a lie, but this is the truth- I really could use a Steamboy T1 Steam Floor Mop. And lucky for me that's just what Mommy Goggles is giving away! Nice, huh!
* Here's a giveaway that is healthy and fun: Yoplait yogurt. To be exact, the giveaway is for YoPlus, a water bottle, a notepad, and an insulated bag. Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting this yummy giveaway and all you need to do is leave a comment to enter. There are little things to do for extra entries, but I'm sure you've tweeted or subscribed or followed or stumbled before. Easy Peasy. Check out the other giveaways on this fun blog too. It's a blog written by one cool momma with a lot to say!
* Soccer Mom Says is hosting a giveaway for a $25 GC to Ecostore USA. This company specializes in cleaning products that are healthy for people and the environment. I'm not an environmentalist or a tree hugger, but I do believe in doing what we can to keep this planet up and running. The Lord gave us so much to be thankful for, and we shouldn't trash it! Plus, I hate harsh, harmful chemicals. Thanks Soccer Mom Says...
* This giveaway is for something I've wanted for a long time - a messenger bag! And it's a beauty from a company named Casuari. Go check out their gorgeous, functional bags and I'm sure you're gonna want one as much as I do! Sandier Pastures (love that name) is hosting this generous giveaway. This blog is new to me, and I can't wait to start exploring. It looks interesting, and when I finish this I intend to read one of the posts - "Watch out for Camels!" Doesn't that title make your curious?
* Seeryus Mama is hosting a giveaway for a product that I am very fond of because I own one and I love it! It's the Tucker Bag reuseable shopping bag. Let me tell you, these bags are wonderful. They hold 35 lbs. and have an extra pocket on the front. The company has over 25 designs, so there's something for every taste. I bought one and my daughter stole it when she was home from college one weekend. Then I won a set of three and my daughter took two of those! She filled them with goodies from the pantry and away she went. So I have one left but I need more. I really do! Why? Because our town just opened its first ALDI grocery store this week, and everyone bags their own groceries! I had my one Tucker Bag and it held plenty, but I could have used another one. Thanks Serryus Mama, my fingers are crossed.
* You know I love gift certificates, so when I saw Living As Mom was giving away a $10 gift certificate, I was oh so happy! The gift card will be from CVS, Publix, Walmart, Kroger, or Target! A winner will be selected on Sunday March 29th. After you enter, look around Living As Mom's blog. This blog is a treasure trove of money saving tips and advice!
* Sweet Savings is giving away a $15 GC to Starbucks. I love gift certificates and I love Starbucks. Perfect giveaway!
* Rockin Mama is rockin away with another spring cleaning giveaway. This time it's something I know I could really, really use...just ask my family! It's a Steamboy steam floor mop! I think steam cleaning is the way to go when mopping any floor. No harsh chemicals plus super cleaning ability! I know my kids sit on the floor and my dogs are always under my feet in the kitchen. I don't like the idea of harsh cleaning chemicals coming into contact with the kids or the pets. This is the mop for me! Thanks Rockin Mama!
* Mommy Goggles is also hosting spring cleaning giveaways. These gals make me want to get out my scrubbing and scraping supplies and get to work! Ok, that was a lie, but this is the truth- I really could use a Steamboy T1 Steam Floor Mop. And lucky for me that's just what Mommy Goggles is giving away! Nice, huh!
* Here's a giveaway that is healthy and fun: Yoplait yogurt. To be exact, the giveaway is for YoPlus, a water bottle, a notepad, and an insulated bag. Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting this yummy giveaway and all you need to do is leave a comment to enter. There are little things to do for extra entries, but I'm sure you've tweeted or subscribed or followed or stumbled before. Easy Peasy. Check out the other giveaways on this fun blog too. It's a blog written by one cool momma with a lot to say!
* Soccer Mom Says is hosting a giveaway for a $25 GC to Ecostore USA. This company specializes in cleaning products that are healthy for people and the environment. I'm not an environmentalist or a tree hugger, but I do believe in doing what we can to keep this planet up and running. The Lord gave us so much to be thankful for, and we shouldn't trash it! Plus, I hate harsh, harmful chemicals. Thanks Soccer Mom Says...
* This giveaway is for something I've wanted for a long time - a messenger bag! And it's a beauty from a company named Casuari. Go check out their gorgeous, functional bags and I'm sure you're gonna want one as much as I do! Sandier Pastures (love that name) is hosting this generous giveaway. This blog is new to me, and I can't wait to start exploring. It looks interesting, and when I finish this I intend to read one of the posts - "Watch out for Camels!" Doesn't that title make your curious?
* Seeryus Mama is hosting a giveaway for a product that I am very fond of because I own one and I love it! It's the Tucker Bag reuseable shopping bag. Let me tell you, these bags are wonderful. They hold 35 lbs. and have an extra pocket on the front. The company has over 25 designs, so there's something for every taste. I bought one and my daughter stole it when she was home from college one weekend. Then I won a set of three and my daughter took two of those! She filled them with goodies from the pantry and away she went. So I have one left but I need more. I really do! Why? Because our town just opened its first ALDI grocery store this week, and everyone bags their own groceries! I had my one Tucker Bag and it held plenty, but I could have used another one. Thanks Serryus Mama, my fingers are crossed.
* You know I love gift certificates, so when I saw Living As Mom was giving away a $10 gift certificate, I was oh so happy! The gift card will be from CVS, Publix, Walmart, Kroger, or Target! A winner will be selected on Sunday March 29th. After you enter, look around Living As Mom's blog. This blog is a treasure trove of money saving tips and advice!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mommas March Mania is hosting a giveaway to satisfy the Coffee lover
Go to Momma's Review to enter a MMM (Mommas March Mania) giveaway for a Platinum Keurig coffee brewer. This is Keurig’s best single cup coffee maker!
This coffee maker boasts:
Auto On/Off
Digital Clock
Adjustable Temperature Control
“Set Your Favorite Cup Size” option.
The Keurig coffee maker uses what they call a K-Cup this special packaging is a single serving size for coffee, tea and hot cocoa. These K-Cups are airtight so they stay fresh and flavorful! Some of your favorite major coffee brands even make these K-Cups, such as Green Mountain, Newmans Own, Emeril’s, and even (yum!) Ghiradelli.
Now, who wouldn't want to own this coffee maker!!! So, go enter now!
This coffee maker boasts:
Auto On/Off
Digital Clock
Adjustable Temperature Control
“Set Your Favorite Cup Size” option.
The Keurig coffee maker uses what they call a K-Cup this special packaging is a single serving size for coffee, tea and hot cocoa. These K-Cups are airtight so they stay fresh and flavorful! Some of your favorite major coffee brands even make these K-Cups, such as Green Mountain, Newmans Own, Emeril’s, and even (yum!) Ghiradelli.
Now, who wouldn't want to own this coffee maker!!! So, go enter now!
Flip and Tumble Giveaway & Review at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy
On Monday our town had the grand opening of its first ALDI store. This no frills, low price grocery store was started years ago by two brothers in Germany. Although the parking lot and the store were packed, the lines at the register were moving quickly with little wait time. How is this possible with only 8 employees? First, you have to pay a quarter for your buggy. You get the quarter back when you return the buggy. Since everyone wants their quarter back, no employees are needed to fetch stray buggies. Also, no bag boys (or girls) and no bags. You bag your own groceries in your own bags. And that's why I need a Flip and Tumble reuseable shopping bag - so I can save money at ALDI's and bag my own groceries! You know who's giving away a Flip and Tumble bag? A Giveaway Addicted Mommy. That's the blog with the three handsome boys on the left side of the header. If you don't know the one I'm talking about, go check it out and enter the giveaway: http://nateandjakeandme.blogspot.com/2009/03/flip-tumble-giveaway-and-review.html
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mom Saves Money 250 Coupon Quickie Giveaway
If you are a couponer like I am, enter at Mom Saves Money for a shot at 250 coupons. Better hurry, this contest is over in less than 48 hours. After you enter, take a look around Mom Saves Money for tons of frugal tips and links. You can find all sorts of information on things like Redbox codes, Home Depot workshops, Dancing with the Stars, and offers from Oprah. Have fun!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Some Really Great Giveaways I Entered Today
I only enter giveaways that I would really like to win for myself or my mom. I leave the other giveaways alone in order for those truly interested to have a better chance of winning. I have won a couple of nice things, and I have had a couple of giveaways to "pay it forward." It's almost as fun to host a giveaway as it is to win. Today I'm entering these giveaways:
* The Soothie Ranch is giving away a North South Bag from Melissa Beth Designs. My oldest daughter has a neat assortment of bags to carry all different kinds of things. I have my purse and a couple of reusable shopping bags. I would love to have another bag to carry around things like books, coupon holders, chocolate, socks (don't ask!), etc. Go enter this contest and take a look at Natasha's cute little ranch hand's photo!
* The Post-It Place is having a 1 year blogoversary celebration by giving away a ton of goodies. Some of the wonderful prizes are a recipe box with recipes (my favorite), a cutting board, amazon GC (my other favorite), cookbooks, chopper, and measuring spoons. This is a fun blog that I just discovered, and I'm looking forward to exploring the site. I did read a few of the posts and I can totally relate to this lady's sense of humor!
* Here's a giveaway I came upon completely by accident. Our city had the opening of an Aldi's store on Monday. Until last week, I had never heard of Aldi's. When I read about the grand opening in our newspaper, I did what any self respecting internet lover would do, I googled it! In my search I came across the Good, True and Beautiful, a blog filled with all sorts of frugal information. I also discovered that Sharon, the author, is hosting a giveaway for ten weeks of full coupon inserts! Yes, you read that right - TEN WEEKS!
Hurry and enter, this ends soon.
* I know fast food isn't supposed to be good for us, but I love it and would eat it all day long if it wasn't unhealthy. I've discovered that you can get pretty good salads at McDonald's, as well as a healthy parfait from the dollar menu. And those parfaits are actually filling. Carma Sez is giving away a $15 McDonald's GC. You need to read her blog for the entertainment value. She's really funny as you can tell when you see the photo she masterminded for this giveaway. I wonder if Alec Baldwin really eats at McDonalds?
* Here's a giveaway from a birthday girl, her gift to us! It's for chocolate and a $10 CVS card! LOVE IT! My Reason(s) to Blog!!! is the host of this yummmy giveaway. This is the 2nd of four birthday giveaways, so stay tuned!
* Just Dishes Dinnerware is currently running a huge giveaway for a Solena 16 place setting. This giveaway is in celebration of the announcement of the upcoming arrival of the new "SOLENA" pattern to the Le Souk Ceramique dinnerware line and the launching of the new website "Colorful Dishes." These dishes are gorgeous and anyone in their right mind would love to own them. What's better than eating delicious food from beautiful dishes?
* The Soothie Ranch is giving away a North South Bag from Melissa Beth Designs. My oldest daughter has a neat assortment of bags to carry all different kinds of things. I have my purse and a couple of reusable shopping bags. I would love to have another bag to carry around things like books, coupon holders, chocolate, socks (don't ask!), etc. Go enter this contest and take a look at Natasha's cute little ranch hand's photo!
* The Post-It Place is having a 1 year blogoversary celebration by giving away a ton of goodies. Some of the wonderful prizes are a recipe box with recipes (my favorite), a cutting board, amazon GC (my other favorite), cookbooks, chopper, and measuring spoons. This is a fun blog that I just discovered, and I'm looking forward to exploring the site. I did read a few of the posts and I can totally relate to this lady's sense of humor!
* Here's a giveaway I came upon completely by accident. Our city had the opening of an Aldi's store on Monday. Until last week, I had never heard of Aldi's. When I read about the grand opening in our newspaper, I did what any self respecting internet lover would do, I googled it! In my search I came across the Good, True and Beautiful, a blog filled with all sorts of frugal information. I also discovered that Sharon, the author, is hosting a giveaway for ten weeks of full coupon inserts! Yes, you read that right - TEN WEEKS!
Hurry and enter, this ends soon.
* I know fast food isn't supposed to be good for us, but I love it and would eat it all day long if it wasn't unhealthy. I've discovered that you can get pretty good salads at McDonald's, as well as a healthy parfait from the dollar menu. And those parfaits are actually filling. Carma Sez is giving away a $15 McDonald's GC. You need to read her blog for the entertainment value. She's really funny as you can tell when you see the photo she masterminded for this giveaway. I wonder if Alec Baldwin really eats at McDonalds?
* Here's a giveaway from a birthday girl, her gift to us! It's for chocolate and a $10 CVS card! LOVE IT! My Reason(s) to Blog!!! is the host of this yummmy giveaway. This is the 2nd of four birthday giveaways, so stay tuned!
* Just Dishes Dinnerware is currently running a huge giveaway for a Solena 16 place setting. This giveaway is in celebration of the announcement of the upcoming arrival of the new "SOLENA" pattern to the Le Souk Ceramique dinnerware line and the launching of the new website "Colorful Dishes." These dishes are gorgeous and anyone in their right mind would love to own them. What's better than eating delicious food from beautiful dishes?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring Fling is Here!

Spring Fling at SITS is here and you don't want to miss out on the great giveaways being offered by various participating bloggers. There are lots of goodies and prizes out there, so warm up your fingers and start entering! Here are a few good ones to get you started:
* Six gorgeous ceramic mini loaf pans are the prize at A Form of Therapy. I could really use these. My daughter and I are just getting into bread baking and I know we would use these over and over! After you enter, be sure and read about the author's hectic life!
* Stilettos and Diapers is giving away a Snuggie and this is her first giveaway. It's been a cold winter here and I really wanted a Snuggie. I'm sure we'll have a few more cold snaps before "real" spring gets here, so a Snuggie would be a welcome item in my house!
* Cookie Girl Creation is having a giveaway so sweeeeeet, it will hurt your teeth! Literally. She's giving away candy and goodies from the Country Candy Kitchen in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I have been there many times and I can tell you this is good stuff! My need to shed a few pounds has kept me away from the Candy Kitchen the last few years, but if I won this I would have no problem going off my diet. It would be well worth it!
* The Buzz, a really cute blog, is giving away a $10 CVS card, a $5 Chevron gift card, and a surprise child related prize! This is the first giveaway for this blogger, so go enter and show your love. She's another couponer and frugal lady who doesn't mind sharing her finds! Did I mention how much I love CVS?
* I have no idea what this giveaway is because it's a surprise! More Than A Mom is the blog hosting this surprise giveaway. You really need to go there to see the great header. For some reason, it is probably the best header I've ever seen. I'm not sure why either, but I love it and so will you. Don't forget to enter for the surprise.
* Here's another sweeeeeet giveaway: a $25 GC to the Cheesecake Factory! You can enter at Two Under Two. Whew!. Can you imagine having 2 children under the age of two (these two happen to be known as Beauty and the Little Beast!). Makes me tired just thinking about it!
* All in a Mom's Life is giving away a $20 GC to Target or Starbucks, winner's choice. And guess what? This is her one month blogaversary! So go enter and tell her happy blogaversary. Her blog site is gorgeous and her daughter Josie is a real beauty!
* Janana Bee has thrown her hat in the Spring Fling with a giveaway for a First Prize of a $25 Giftcard to the Cheesecake Factory and Second Prize- the coveted Mixed CD! I'm drooling just thinking about the Cheesecake Factory. Thanks Janna Bee, I'll be dreaming about cheesecake tonight!
* WoooHoooo! An adult giveaway for a $50 GC to Eden Fantasys! All That Blooms is hosting this generous and interesting giveaway. Go enter and check out her site. She has this great little thingy on the side of her blog that is kinda like a scale of her weight loss. I wish I was brave enough to put this on my blog! I may have to contact Tiffany and find out where she found this gadget! Thanks Tiffany. Great Giveaway!
* Here's a giveaway I can really sink my teeth into - brownies, brownies, and more brownies! Forever and Always Ashley is giving one lucky chocolate lover an Easter box of brownies from Fairytale Brownies. When you get to Ashley's blog, be sure to look at her header. Have you ever seen such cute boys?
* Sweet Home Amy (cute name, huh!) is giving her readers a chance to win a monogramed Nantucket tote. I visited Nicole's Etsy shop to check out the styles and colors, and let me tell you, these are gorgeous! So go visit Amy, a single Christian lady who is trying to restart her life, and enter her giveaway!
Win a Peek and/or Gorgeous Jewelry at Mommy Goggles!
I have read lots about the Peek, a little device that allows you to text and check emails no matter where you are. Well, I don't know if it would work on the peek (ha ha) of Mount Kilimanjaro, but who's gonna be way up there? The best part is you can get a Peek with lifetime service for $399.99 (why don't they just say $400???). Think how much you can save on your regular cell phone bill! If you want a shot at winning one, go to Mommy Goggles and enter.
Now, for the jewelry. Mommy Goggles is also hosting a giveaway for a $100 GC to Andzia's Amber Jewelry. This jewelry is absolutely beautiful, and would be a perfect gift for Mother's Day. Enter here: http://www.mommygoggles.com/amber-jewelry While you're there, look around Mommy Goggle's blog. It's a treasure trove of information, reviews, and giveaways. I love that the reviews are honest and well written.
Now, for the jewelry. Mommy Goggles is also hosting a giveaway for a $100 GC to Andzia's Amber Jewelry. This jewelry is absolutely beautiful, and would be a perfect gift for Mother's Day. Enter here: http://www.mommygoggles.com/amber-jewelry While you're there, look around Mommy Goggle's blog. It's a treasure trove of information, reviews, and giveaways. I love that the reviews are honest and well written.
Monday, March 09, 2009
$10 CVS GC Giveaway at Frugal RI Mama
I visit my local CVS a couple of times a week, and Walgreens at least once a week. I don't even remember what I did for fun before I started couponing and CVSing. I think I'm more consumed with the thrill of the hunt than I am with saving a few dollars. I do know that CVS is more enjoyable than Walgreens because I have to avoid a couple of Walgreen employees who hate, hate, hate coupons or letting anyone walk out of the store with something they got for free. Instead of just scanning coupons, these 2 individuals carefully read each coupon. I feel like screaming when they do that. Why don't they just scan the coupons first, and if the register beeps, then they can read them. When I notice either of those people working my Walgreens' front register, I turn around and walk out. This never happens at CVS. The ladies that work the registers at my CVS usually make a comment like, "you did great" or "nice savings today!" I could just hug them for making my CVS visits a happy experience.
If you love CVS as much as I do, head over to Frugal RI Mama and enter her giveaway for a $10 CVS GC. Here's the link: http://www.frugalrimama.com/2009/03/10-cvs-gift-card-giveaway.html. Good Luck!
If you love CVS as much as I do, head over to Frugal RI Mama and enter her giveaway for a $10 CVS GC. Here's the link: http://www.frugalrimama.com/2009/03/10-cvs-gift-card-giveaway.html. Good Luck!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Enter to Win a Huge Twilight Prize at Consumer Queen
These are all things I love: giveaways, saving money, solid advice about frugal living, "mommy stories," and links to other frugal mom sites. I get all these things and more when I visit The Consumer Queen blog. When I checked in today I discovered a great giveaway for Twilight fans. If you aren't a Twilight fan, you soon will be if you win this giveaway! Consumer Queen and Walmart are giving away a Twilight prize pack valued at $150 to one lucky reader. The prize pack includes: The DVD, the book New Moon,jewelry, t-shirt,keychains, bag and more.
Second prize will be a $25 Twilight GC to Walmart to use towards your favorite Twilight item.
Go enter. Now. I know you want to, so here's the link: http://www.consumerqueen.com/twilight-giveaway-679.htm
Second prize will be a $25 Twilight GC to Walmart to use towards your favorite Twilight item.
Go enter. Now. I know you want to, so here's the link: http://www.consumerqueen.com/twilight-giveaway-679.htm
Friday, March 06, 2009
Gott Family Farm Life Mystery Giveaway
I love a good mystery almost as much as I love nice surprises. The Gott Family Farm Life blog is offering its readers a mystery box worth at least $25 as a giveaway. Not long ago I offered a shoebox of goodies as a giveaway, and it was won by a nice nurse in Michigan. I had a lot of fun putting the box together. If you want a chance at a surprise box giveaway go to Gott Family Farm Life and enter. While you're there, take a look around this interesting blog. Tanya is a farm mom in Nebraska who finds and shares ways to save money. Her son has several challenges that Tanya is willing to share with her readers. You'll find out more about her family if you read the post "about us."
A Few Blog Giveaways from Great Bloggers around the Internet
1. Mom Saves Money is giving away 300 coupons to two lucky readers. That's 150 coupons for each winner. I am fairly new to couponing and CVSing and Walgreening, but I'm having all kinds of fun saving money. Who knew? Here's the link, so go enter: http://momsavesmoney.blogspot.com/2009/03/mom-saves-money_05.html
2. The Not-So-Blog Blog is having a Kolobags giveaway. The winner gets a Room It Up messenger bag in pink plaid! Here's what Kolobags has to say "Kolobags is the one-stop shop for everyone looking for technology fashion without compromising on style. The online boutique offers the widest array of designer laptop bags, specialty bags and technology accessories available both on- and off-line." Enter here: http://www.thenotsoblog.com/2009/03/giveaway-kolobags.html
3. Enroute to Life is encouraging spring cleaning by giving away a book, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home. Boy Howdy, do I need this! Housecleaning is not my strong point, just ask my family! If you need this book as much as I do enter here: http://enroutetolife.blogspot.com/2009/02/great-spring-cleaning-giveaway.html
4.Mom Saves Money is helping us all save money with a generous giveaway of a $10 Barnes & Noble e-gift card. I know what I would use this for. I was at Target today and noticed a book named Still Alice about a woman who is entering the early stages of Alzheimer's. The woman is only in her early 50's and her journey sounds touching. I would love to read this book. So, I'm entering for a chance at this gift card. Enter at http://momsavesmoney.blogspot.com/2009/03/mom-saves-money.html
5. Riding With No Hands Reviews (what a cute name!) is offering three winners a Yoplait tote cooler, a notepad, a water bottle, and a 4 pack of Yoplait Yo-Plus. I am a yogurt fan and I buy all the brands, whatever is on sale. Yo-Plus is filled with probiotics, those good bacteria that live in all of us. For a chance to win these Yoplait goodies, go to: http://ridingwithnohands.com/reviews/yo-plus-yogurt-blueberry-acai/
6. Coupon Mommie is having the exact same giveaway as Riding With No Hands: A Yoplait tote cooler, a water bottle, a journal, and a 4 pack of Yoplait. This gift pack is going to 3 lucky readers! That's right, THREE! Enter this and be sure and tell Coupon Mommie happy birthday. She's turning the big 30! http://couponmommie.blogspot.com/2009/03/yoplait-giveaway-ends-on-my-birthday.html
7. Peanut Butter and Pickle Reviews is also giving away a food related gift set. This one is for a Fiber One Spa Break Basket. Three winners will receive such goodies as a bath pillow, Fiber One Bars, chocolate scented soap, lotion, bath salts, and a coffee scented candle. WOW! All you have to do to enter is leave a fun comment telling how you pamper yourself. Extra entries are available. http://www.pbandpickles.com/2009/03/fiber-one-spa-break-basket.html
8. Mom Fuse is having a huge giveaway for a Hoover vacuum. The prize is a Hoover Lightweight Upright Vacuum ($399.99). Did you know that The Hoover Platinum Collection Lightweight Bagged Upright removes more dirt from carpets than other lightweight bagged uprights? Man oh man, do I need a new vacuum cleaner! In fact, I'm using a little portable job that I bought for about $49 till I can get another more powerful vacuum cleaner. Go to Hoover and check out the new Platinum Collection. I'm drooling.... For a chance to win the lightweight bagged upright go to: http://momfuse.com/2009/03/hoover-platinum-vacuum-review-giveaway/
9. Not Made of Money is offering a $50 GC to Target! This is the first giveaway for this blog, and it's a very generous one! We all love Target, and we can all use a $50 GC, so go enter and show love for this first giveaway at Not Made of Money
10. In the Harvest is also having a first giveaway. This one is for a $15 GC to the store of your choice. How great is that! I'm so happy I found this blog because it is an interesting glimpse into the life of a Christian mother and military family. Here's the link: http://lawhons.blogspot.com/2009/03/my-first-giveaway-woohoo.html
2. The Not-So-Blog Blog is having a Kolobags giveaway. The winner gets a Room It Up messenger bag in pink plaid! Here's what Kolobags has to say "Kolobags is the one-stop shop for everyone looking for technology fashion without compromising on style. The online boutique offers the widest array of designer laptop bags, specialty bags and technology accessories available both on- and off-line." Enter here: http://www.thenotsoblog.com/2009/03/giveaway-kolobags.html
3. Enroute to Life is encouraging spring cleaning by giving away a book, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home. Boy Howdy, do I need this! Housecleaning is not my strong point, just ask my family! If you need this book as much as I do enter here: http://enroutetolife.blogspot.com/2009/02/great-spring-cleaning-giveaway.html
4.Mom Saves Money is helping us all save money with a generous giveaway of a $10 Barnes & Noble e-gift card. I know what I would use this for. I was at Target today and noticed a book named Still Alice about a woman who is entering the early stages of Alzheimer's. The woman is only in her early 50's and her journey sounds touching. I would love to read this book. So, I'm entering for a chance at this gift card. Enter at http://momsavesmoney.blogspot.com/2009/03/mom-saves-money.html
5. Riding With No Hands Reviews (what a cute name!) is offering three winners a Yoplait tote cooler, a notepad, a water bottle, and a 4 pack of Yoplait Yo-Plus. I am a yogurt fan and I buy all the brands, whatever is on sale. Yo-Plus is filled with probiotics, those good bacteria that live in all of us. For a chance to win these Yoplait goodies, go to: http://ridingwithnohands.com/reviews/yo-plus-yogurt-blueberry-acai/
6. Coupon Mommie is having the exact same giveaway as Riding With No Hands: A Yoplait tote cooler, a water bottle, a journal, and a 4 pack of Yoplait. This gift pack is going to 3 lucky readers! That's right, THREE! Enter this and be sure and tell Coupon Mommie happy birthday. She's turning the big 30! http://couponmommie.blogspot.com/2009/03/yoplait-giveaway-ends-on-my-birthday.html
7. Peanut Butter and Pickle Reviews is also giving away a food related gift set. This one is for a Fiber One Spa Break Basket. Three winners will receive such goodies as a bath pillow, Fiber One Bars, chocolate scented soap, lotion, bath salts, and a coffee scented candle. WOW! All you have to do to enter is leave a fun comment telling how you pamper yourself. Extra entries are available. http://www.pbandpickles.com/2009/03/fiber-one-spa-break-basket.html
8. Mom Fuse is having a huge giveaway for a Hoover vacuum. The prize is a Hoover Lightweight Upright Vacuum ($399.99). Did you know that The Hoover Platinum Collection Lightweight Bagged Upright removes more dirt from carpets than other lightweight bagged uprights? Man oh man, do I need a new vacuum cleaner! In fact, I'm using a little portable job that I bought for about $49 till I can get another more powerful vacuum cleaner. Go to Hoover and check out the new Platinum Collection. I'm drooling.... For a chance to win the lightweight bagged upright go to: http://momfuse.com/2009/03/hoover-platinum-vacuum-review-giveaway/
9. Not Made of Money is offering a $50 GC to Target! This is the first giveaway for this blog, and it's a very generous one! We all love Target, and we can all use a $50 GC, so go enter and show love for this first giveaway at Not Made of Money
10. In the Harvest is also having a first giveaway. This one is for a $15 GC to the store of your choice. How great is that! I'm so happy I found this blog because it is an interesting glimpse into the life of a Christian mother and military family. Here's the link: http://lawhons.blogspot.com/2009/03/my-first-giveaway-woohoo.html
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Flip Notes, You're Gonna Want One!

Welcome Spring Flingers! The secret to Success is support!
Have you ever see a product and thought, "Gee, why didn't I think of that?" Well, that was my first thought when I opened my Flip Note and saw how durable and well constructed this product is. It's a notepad and pen in a gorgeous, metal case that fits in any purse or bag. I will be forever thankful to FlipNoteFan for sending me a Flip Note to try, as well as two to giveaway.
Flip Notes are Wellspring's best seller and are available in over 30 chic designs. There's one for every taste, but if you ask me everyone needs three or four to mix and match with different purses. Here's what Wellspring has to say about the Flip Note: "Flip Notes are perfect for notes on-the-go as they fit snugly inside pockets, purses, or briefcases! Flip Notes make perfect gifts for loved ones, teachers, hosts & coworkers. Each Flip Note features a stylish debossed metal spring-loaded case with a blank white note pad and retractable pen."
I carry my Flip Note everywhere, switching it from purse to tote to diaper bag. Its hard case makes it durable, while protecting the note pad inside. I love that I can jot down notes or lists, and the edges of the paper don't get torn, smudged, or frayed. And get this, the pen that comes with the Flip Note holds the entire case shut. You can never lose the pen because it's always right there, connected to the paper. No more digging and searching in your purse or bag for a pen! How great is that! Not that it needs more selling points, but the Flip Note is also far superior to other notepads because the hard case supports the notepad, making it easy to write on. No more floppy, flimsy notepads for me! So if you have an occasion coming up that requires a unique and lovely gift for a special woman, or you just want to treat yourself, you can't go wrong with a Flip Note. Don't forget to order refill pads and pens. And did you know that a Flip Note appeared on two episodes of Ugly Betty?
I have 2 Flip Notes (pictured above) to giveaway to a couple of lucky readers. Here's how to enter:
* For your first, required entry visit the Wellspring website and leave me a comment telling me your favorite flip note design (other than the ones offered in the giveaway) or mention another favorite product they offer. You absolutely must visit the site or no entry!
To earn extra entries you may do one or more of the following and leave me additional comments here telling me which you have done:
* Follow me
* Blog about this giveaway with a link back here.
* Tweet about this giveaway and leave your Twitter name in a comment.
* Tell me why you need a Flip Note.
* Follow FlipNoteFan on Twitter and leave me your Twitter name or link.
That's it. You have a total of up to six entries. Winners will be picked randomly on April 1st. Good luck and thanks Flip Note Fan and Wellspring.
The Dirty Shirt giveaway - Australia, the movie not the country

Our new budget doesn't really allow for going out to the movies, but I am a huge movie fan. Dramas, thrillers, and epic love stories are my favorites. I was once a comedy gal, but for some reason I just can't get into comedies anymore, and I've seen so many children's movies with the kids that I fall asleep within the first ten minutes of anything animated. An epic love story that I would really like to see is Australia. Lucky for me, the Dirty Shirt is giving away 5 copies of Australia to her readers. Nicole Kidman and that dreamy Hugh Jackman star in this movie, along with what I consider the main star - the Australian countryside. I can't wait to see this, even if I have to rent it at Blockbuster!
The R Family Diaries' Target Gift Certificate Giveaway
Do you absolutely love Target? I do, and I jump at any chance to win a Target Gift Certificate. The R Family Diaries is offering that chance times two. Yes, that's right, 2 gift certificates for 2 winners and guess how much each card is worth....$100! This generous giveaway is in honor of the blog author's new position on the faculty of Fishful Thinking, an exciting program from Pepperidge farm that promotes optimism and resiliency in children. Read all about it here: http://www.fishfulthinking.com/ and go to The R Family Diaries for a chance to win the Target GC's. Good luck!
Shaklee Giveaway at Amanda's
Amanda is giving away a Shaklee starter kit! By now most of us know about Shaklee's wonderful, nontoxic cleaning products. I love the idea of using cleaning products that are nonharmful to me, my family, and the environment. That's why I would love to win this giveaway! Here's the link to enter: http://www.mommymandy.com/2009/03/shaklee-get-clean-starter-kit-giveaway.html Good luck.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
$20 Target Gift Card Giveaway at One & 1/2 Men & Me
I love getting gift certificates as presents. I know some people think gift certificates are tacky gifts that require no thought. I say, bring em on! I like picking out something I really want as opposed to taking back something I don't really like or need. The result is the same, but using the gift certificate doesn't require the "exchange process." In my opinion, exchanging unwanted or ill fitting gifts is a pain. So, I'll take a gift certificate any day! One & 1/2 Men & Me is giving away a $20 Target GC, and Target is one of my favorites! To enter, click the link and follow the entry rules. Good luck!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
My Favorite Household Product, Clorox, and a Flip Video Camera Giveaway from Alice

I'm sure you're wondering what the connection is between Clorox and a Flip Video Camera giveaway. Let me explain. Alice is hosting a giveaway for a Flip Video Camera, and the only way to win is by answering the question “What household product are you most loyal to and why?” The product I am most loyal to is a real oldie but a goodie - Clorox Bleach! I remember my mother using Clorox when I was a little girl, and now I use it to clean just about everything. I add Clorox to my laundry to whiten fabrics and eliminate odors. I use it on surfaces throughout my home to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses. And, let me tell you, not just any old cleaner will kill viruses! Clorox kills MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Norovirus, a creepy pathogen that is really difficult to destroy. Yikes!
Back to cleaning, I also pour just a little, maybe one cup, of Clorox Bleach into my toilet. Then I use my toilet brush to make a couple of swipes around the bowl. I close the toilet lid and leave it for about half an hour or until I finally wake up from my nap...I mean finish my numerous other chores. I flush, and my toilet is sparkly clean and smells Cloroxy fresh. I also use it to clean sinks by placing the stopper in the sink, kitchen or bathroom. I cover the bottom of the sink with Clorox Bleach and add water till the sink is about half full. I let this stand for around thirty minutes, and voila - clean, germ-free sink! And did you know the majority of Clorox Bleach quickly degrades to salt water! I'm not a "go green" nut, but this fact does make me happy. Well, maybe not as happy as my clean sinks make me, but pretty darn happy just the same.
That's it, the product I can't live without - Clorox Bleach!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
And another Hoover Giveaway at Mommy Googles
Here's another Hoover giveaway. This time it's the Platinum Cordless Stick vacuum, cordless convenience with powerful performance that is perfect for hard floors! I love it and I want it! If you want to read about the features and enter the giveaway, go to Mommy Googles, one of my favorite review and giveaway sites!
Amanda is having a new Hoover Giveaway
Amanda is giving away a Hoover Vacuumm, specifically the Hoover Platinum Collection Lightweight Bagged Upright. It removes more dirt from carpet than other lightweight bagged uprights tested. This is what I learned from her review: "The unit also comes with a versatile, portable canister vacuum with onboard tools for above the floor cleaning. Two highly effective cleaners, together for one great package–designed to get your home floor-to-ceiling clean! Patented WindTunnel Technology has three paths of suction to prevent dirt scatter and pick up more dirt in one pass from carpet than other lightweight bagged uprights tested. HI and LO power settings provide the correct amount of suction power for the cleaning job whether it's carpet or hard floors." To learn more go to the Hoover site. and to enter go to Amanda's site: http://www.mommymandy.com/2009/02/hoover-platinum-collection-giveaway.html
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Barefoot Mommy is hosting another great giveaway: A car seat
Recaro makes these really safe and comfortable car seats. I was happy to read that they were designed with side impact protection for the safety of our children. Combine safety and comfort and I say you have a real winner! Thanks Barefoot Mommy for a chance to win a Recaro car seat. Click on Recaro to read more. Here's the link to Barefoot Mommy's giveaway: http://barefoot-mommy.blogspot.com/2009/02/dont-get-cute-get-recaro-reviewgiveaway.html
Giveaway at The Giveaway: The Neatest Carseat Ever
I just entered a giveaway at The Giveaway for the neatest carseat I've ever seen. It's the Combi Coccoro Car Seat, and it comes in great colors. These carseats are modern, bright, compact, lightweight, safe, and oh so gorgeous! I am smitten! Go here to enter: http://www.the-giveaway.com/2009/02/my-baby-moderns-combi-coccoro-car-seat.html
200 coupon giveaway at Once Upon a Qpon
Once Upon a Qpon is a must for frugal coupon users. This blog offers links to rebates, freebies, samples, and more. Believe me, you will save money by following this blog. Here's the link: http://onceuponaqpon.blogspot.com/
Look around the blog and then enter the giveaway for 200 coupons! I just did!
Look around the blog and then enter the giveaway for 200 coupons! I just did!
$50 Walmart Card giveaway at Frugal, Freebies and Deals
FF and D has some exciting news and a generous giveaway! News first: Frugal, Freebies and Deals is featured in an article in the March Redbook along with three other families. The article deals with the effects of the recession and how these families are dealing with it. Exciting! Ok, now for the giveaway. It's a $50 GC to Walmart. I rely on Walmart to get me through my day to day budgeting, so I'm jumping on this giveaway like a fly on...well..on something. Here's the link and good luck to all - FF and D
Win a V-Moda Vibe II Headset at Frugal Rhode Island Mama
Frugal RI Mama is having a great giveaway that I know I could really use. First, if you haven't visited her blog go here http://www.frugalrimama.com/2009/02/giveaways-around-web.html and start reading. She's all about saving money - coupons, sales, surveys, giveaways.... Her advice is sound and she writes well. I know I have saved money by just reading her blog, not to mention I am now taking surveys!
Back to the giveaway. If you love your iPod or other mp3 player as much as I love mine, but you hate those tiny earbuds, then this is a giveaway for you! The V-Mode Vibe II headset is comfortable and stays in well. They are compatable with Apple products and retail for $128. So, go enter here Frugal RI Mama. Good luck.
Back to the giveaway. If you love your iPod or other mp3 player as much as I love mine, but you hate those tiny earbuds, then this is a giveaway for you! The V-Mode Vibe II headset is comfortable and stays in well. They are compatable with Apple products and retail for $128. So, go enter here Frugal RI Mama. Good luck.
9 DVD's to Giveaway

I'm giving away nine (that's right, nine) slightly used DVD's. By slightly used, I mean watched once or twice at the most, and all in original cases. In fact, I know my daughter watched five of these DVD's only once and declared them "too young." So, I'm offering them to you as a giveaway. Here's the list:
* Brother Bear - This is a 2 disc special edition of the Walt Disney epic animated adventure with songs by Phil Collins. A boy is magically transformed into a bear and must literally walk in the footprints of another. Personally, I loved this one.
* Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus - A 3-D adventure complete with three pairs of 3D glasses. A typical Barbie movie. Little girls would absolutely love this.
* Barby Fairytopia - another typical Barbie Movie, Barbie travels to Mermaidia to save a friend.
* The Jungle Book 2 - More adventures with Disney's Mowgli, Baloo, and Bagheera.
* Eliose - Disney movie based on Eliose At The Plaza. Gotta love that spunky Eliose!
* Kangaroo Jack - This one's rated PG. The story of an Australian 'roo who is the ultimate prankster.
* The Shaggy Dog - The other PG rated DVD in this bunch of "G's". Tim Allen stars in this Disney Movie. Hilarious and perfect for young dog lovers.
* 101 Dalmations II - Patche's London Adventure. You know the classic Disney dalmations, so you get the picture. This one's animated with the voices of Jason Alexander, Martin Short, and Barry Bostwick.
* The Land Before Time, Journey to Big Water - I think the Land Before Time Movies are great and this one follows the original cast including Littlefoot, Spike, Petrie, and Bigfoot.
That's it, the list of nine. All suitable for children. Here's how you can enter:
1. Tell me your favorite movie of all time. Or you can tell me your child's favorite, I don't mind.
2. For another entry, blog about this with a link back here.
3. For a third entry, tweet with a link to this giveaway.
Thanks, and don't forget to leave an email address.
I'll pick a winner randomly on March 21st.
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